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[03 Jun 2019|01:12am]
I took a break for months, and now don't know anything! What slash-friendly games around around and active? Alternatively, if anyone is interested in PSLs that wants to write away summer boredom?
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[03 Jun 2019|12:49pm]
I would kill for a really great fandom mpreg line.
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[03 Jun 2019|02:38pm]
your roommate is getting tired of her new boyfriend. she can't keep up with his appetite for deepthroating and rough anal sex, so she enlisted you to take shifts. at the beginning it was once every now and again, now you're having sex with him multiple times a day. the ritual is always the same: she blindfolds him and you creep in to take her place. she doesn't even stay in the room anymore, your moans as high and feminine as hers. now she's found another guy and wants to come clean, but you don't want the best sex of your (and his) life to end.
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[03 Jun 2019|09:36pm]
would anyone psl brandon flynn for me?
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[ viewing | June 3rd, 2019 ]
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