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[27 May 2019|01:58pm]
looking for people who still play drag queens for something specific, please don't die off after commenting. i just want to write. also looking for someone to play someone against a specific queen if possible and will be open to it
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As if we really mean it this time, let's pretend [27 May 2019|04:17pm]
So I re-binge watched Lucifer and I forgot about the hilarity of this episode here:

I would love something based around it. Two cops/agents who aren't the fondest of each other and out of punishment for causing a scene at the station are put in a stake out together like this where they have to portray a gay couple (maybe in a gay community or the unassuming new move ins. not picky on the where) and actually do end up getting closer through the end of it realizing through late nights talking or small things (like the nachos: see below) they do appreciate and notice each other.

Like this here with the BBQ scene:

then it would be coming to terms with themselves with denial and all the other stages of acceptance. One can be gay and one straight or both straight. Happy to plot details!

Could even be made to be ABO if you're down for that route if not I'm happy to keep it human.

Not picky on faces though I kind of secretly would love a Tom Ellis >.>
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[27 May 2019|09:12pm]
Ray Stevenson, please report to [info]nuffsaid! Immediately!

wish list: Tommy Flanagan, Vin Diesel, Mads Mikkelsen, Manu Bennett, Mark Strong, John Barrowman, Idris Elba, Jason Momoa, Lee Pace, Josh Brolin, Michael Fassbender, Casey Cott, and Karl Urban.
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[ viewing | May 27th, 2019 ]
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