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[25 May 2019|01:01am]
would someone be willing to play anyone against sharon needles?
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[25 May 2019|08:15am]
My kingdom for a Cap/Bucky line. Or even a Sebastian Stan/Chris Evans PB line.

I also have a few other ideas listed in my journal - royalty/HP OC/etc.
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[25 May 2019|04:34pm]
My kingdom for something sweet, smutty, and perhaps a touch supernatural for a pair of 40+ guys. Newcomer to a small town against a lovable local who also happens to be the town psychic/werewolf/cryptid in disguise would be delightful.
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[25 May 2019|06:22pm]
does anyone play adore delano or other queens or would be willing?
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[25 May 2019|10:40pm]
would anyone play Bianca, Katya, Alaska, Adore, anyone queen against one of the madden brothers? I'm not picky on which queen, those are just a few of my favorites. Im open to other guys as well
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[ viewing | May 25th, 2019 ]
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