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[23 May 2019|02:57am]
maybe a long shot but something against a colton haynes? pb and long term, with lots of drama, fluff and customs for spam and all that fun stuff.
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[23 May 2019|08:24am]
Looking for someone to plot out a mobster/mafia line where a head of a crime family/crime boss takes a liking to someone (police officer, average joe, a lower-level lackey working for him or for another family) and wants to keep them on his arm - at first as a trophy and someone to fuck at will, but ultimately wants a little house husband to love and spoil. I would love to play against the crime boss but could play either role.
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[23 May 2019|09:16am]
[info]abstinence a brand new celeb smut gpsl, now accepting holds.
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[ viewing | May 23rd, 2019 ]
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