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[06 May 2019|11:39am]
A Zac Efron pb to get set up with this geeky cub?
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[06 May 2019|03:02pm]
Looking for a fresh line of the supernatural sort. Werewolf, vampire, demon, the works. Any sort of timeline/period welcomed. Slash or Het. Original characters only. Not looking for massive brain storming but would love to set the basis down in shared ideas and let the writing write for itself once we've begun. I can not tag on a daily basis due to life but active as much as I can now that things are calming down for me for the moment. Still, this would be my only line/PSL for now so you'd have my sole attention!

I love dark drama, romance, with healthy doses of smut. If playing male, I generally play big brutes with awkward teddy bear sides only for their s/o's, if female, I like sassy non-chic in distress sorts. In dominant/submissive situations I can switch, but prefer dominant. Come discuss!

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[06 May 2019|06:13pm]
ignore the journal (or don't) - looking for some SoL slash lines, either gpsl or psl as my time is limited for comms sadly. comment with a custom if you're interested in brainstorming. no poly lines. no supernatural/fantasy. comments screened.
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[06 May 2019|06:53pm]
Looking for a home or a PSL for this coffee loving guy right here. No celeb, but OC or fandom is fine. Supernatural, superhero, kinky or straight laced, I'd just like to let him out of his box for a little while.

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[ viewing | May 6th, 2019 ]
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