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[04 May 2019|09:55am]
I'm working on getting things set up, but I'm headed your way [info]nuffsaid. Yes, I know. Last minute decisions, which are causing a last minute demand. With less than 12 hours left in open registration, can I convince any of my Queer Eye boys to come out and play? Yes, I know demanding, last minute, but we've done more in less time. Tan, I know you want to just share all those fashion tips. Karamo? Bobby? Jonathan? One or more of you make my day.
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[04 May 2019|10:26am]
Would anyone be interested in a slice of life line with a Tre Samuels face? Not picky on faces, ages or whatever. Maybe something as simple as a night in between friends or lovers or a wake up to the weekend scene. It'd be nice to write again. Commen t here or in the journal thanks!
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[04 May 2019|11:37am]
[info]nuffsaid Open registration ends tonight. Come have fun. You'll like it. I promise. It's a family place ... or is it?!
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[04 May 2019|10:38pm]
[info]nuffsaid -- before open registration ends in a few hours, some GoT folks to join me, and taron egerton?
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[ viewing | May 4th, 2019 ]
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