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i know i'll get rude comments, but i know some people like him [01 May 2019|12:22pm]
something long term + writing + scenes for johnny depp
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[01 May 2019|03:36pm]
something for tyler black burn
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[01 May 2019|04:20pm]
[info]nuffsaid Darren Criss, Richard Madden, Taron Egerton, Gus Kenworthy, Xavier Dolan, Lakeith Stanfield, Luke Evans
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[01 May 2019|05:32pm]
any chance anyone still plays a character like brian kinney from queer as folk or would be able to/willing to try?
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[01 May 2019|07:57pm]
[info]nuffsaid anyone need some xavier love?
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[ viewing | May 1st, 2019 ]
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