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[28 Apr 2019|08:02am]
looking for someone that plays adam lambert or would play him either celeb or pb, someone that would play against davey havok or a drag queen.
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[28 Apr 2019|10:58am]
rdj, come to me. i'll take pb, celeb, or fandom but i have a mighty need for these two before i strap in for endgame
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[28 Apr 2019|01:38pm]
[info]nuffsaid don't you want me, baby?
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[28 Apr 2019|03:02pm]
can i get a mike colter for a line against a c-boy tom?
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[28 Apr 2019|05:14pm]
[info]nuffsaid should I come? what do you think?
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[28 Apr 2019|06:40pm]
[info]nuffsaid fellow senior citizens to lie about my age with
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[28 Apr 2019|07:08pm]
Looking for a Jon Bernthal face against my Tom Holland. No celeb, OCs are dine, Peter and Frank work too, or throw something else at me. Comments screened.
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[ viewing | April 28th, 2019 ]
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