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[23 Apr 2019|04:25am]
something long term and fun for aquaria
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[23 Apr 2019|08:55am]
Something scifi flavored with some plot and some smut with an age diff or older guys based on Mass Effect universe. Hell I'd be up for playing an older Shepard. Idc about faces.
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[23 Apr 2019|12:18pm]
i know it’s a bit overplayed, but i’d love to get a long term call me by your name inspired line. journals only, though i could be swayed into apps down the line
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[23 Apr 2019|08:50pm]
I briefly had a slash line that I’d like to see if someone was interested in attempting again with me.

The premise is pretty simple: My character was dating a cop while also secretly hooking up with his criminal nemesis. The plan was for the criminal (played as the head of a mafia-type group) to corrupt my guy and have him spy on the cop/set him up/ruin him but we didn’t get that far. I’d also be happy to play the reverse scenario were the boyfriend of a criminal is hooking up with a cop instead.
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[23 Apr 2019|10:01pm]
[info]olympusrising I'd love a Patroclus for my Achilles!
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[23 Apr 2019|10:37pm]
[info]nuffsaid might there be any love/lust/adoration for a knight in rusted armour?
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[ viewing | April 23rd, 2019 ]
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