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[12 Apr 2019|02:58am]
Anyone up for a historical psl? Preferably one where the history is a bit more than just window dressing and instead is researched and informs the characters and scenarios? I'm desperate, y'all, and I'll play just about anything. Gen, dark, straight up porn... Any time period from ancient to eighties (that counts as historical these days, right?), I'm game. Enemies to lovers, opposite sides in war, political rivals, forbidden love (so much opportunity for that with a history line), kinky power dynamics of any kind, period slice of life, magic or mutants or mythology or sci-fi elements? Gimme them all. Leave a comment and let's see if anything clicks.
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[12 Apr 2019|08:57am]
Does anyone out there play Cole Sprouse as a celeb not a PB?
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[12 Apr 2019|05:17pm]
zeus, ares, or hades for apollo in a modern-day gods line. something dramatic with plot and smut themes
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[12 Apr 2019|06:38pm]
seeking a slash line for this big brit teddy bear: [your character] is the only gay man in a rowdy group of straight lads. effeminate, prim and obsessively clean, y/c is routinely the butt of jokes, teasing and borderline bullying, but there's one guy who defends him, tells the other lads to back off and is always pulling y/c in for a cuddle, even when the other lads make fun. he's big, brutish and smelly, but y/c has a huge crush on him. we can discuss where this goes; maybe paul stays with y/c after his divorce, or gets some confusing feelings from seeing y/c in drag, etc.

1950s style gender roles, domestic sub, men his age, extreme differences (height, weight, strength, cock size, intelligence, hygiene, masc/fem), smell (scent marking, masculine smells, sweat, breath, etc), footplay, orientation play, non-penetrative sex, public displays of affection, uncut men/foreskin play, rimming, topping from the bottom, bottoming from the top, fingering, belly play, frottage, wearing his smelly/large clothes/underwear/socks for comfort, overprotective/possessive/jealous behavior
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[ viewing | April 12th, 2019 ]
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