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[13 Mar 2019|09:13am]
A Zac Efron pb? Maybe as the father of one of his students, a personal trainer at the gym Matt starts going to, or something? Let's brainstorm.
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[13 Mar 2019|07:47pm]
I would love a Matt Daddario for a psl
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[13 Mar 2019|10:38pm]
Anyone interested in a Kliego (Klaus/Diego Hargreeves) PSL? I've never done a PSL before but I really love their dynamic and they had mad chemistry in S1 so I'm willing to try.

Give me a ping here if interested. And if there are any Klauses in any communities that are looking for a Diego that are interested in shipping them together, let me know that as well.
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[ viewing | March 13th, 2019 ]
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