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[02 Mar 2019|04:10am]
darren criss, zac efron, nick jonas, xander dolan, ezra miller for dave franco?>
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[02 Mar 2019|05:49pm]
looking for a line between two boys, seniors in high school or college age, but could be slightly older as well. where they have this very secret relationship in this small southern town or maybe in a small town in ireland or even in a boarding school (could even make it harry potter for those interested), where they are both keeping their sexuality hidden. one of the guys are in a relationship with a girl, and it's very hard for the other guy to constantly see this and only have him in secret in the dark. so it will contain a mix of drama, angst and smut.
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[02 Mar 2019|10:52pm]
would love to set up a slash psl for this guy. i can easily swap this ooc un for an ic one. i'm primarily looking for something slice of life, whether it's more organic or comes with backstory. 30+ pbs would be awesome, and i'm very open to equally unconventional faces.
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[ viewing | March 2nd, 2019 ]
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