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[23 Feb 2019|06:52am]
something for macaulay culkin, to take it somewhere would be great too!
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[23 Feb 2019|09:28am]
can I get something for him, preferably involving at least some element of D/s? looking for longterm plot with smut with lots of writing, discord, narratives, and whatever other extras we might want to add, someone who's potentially open to joining a 2v2/gpsl or the right comm. here's some inspiration. comment my screened post please. I'd love to discuss ideas.
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[23 Feb 2019|06:27pm]
Looking for someone younger for one of my older guys (check journal for pbs) for a smut with plot type of line. I want to add some elements of angst in the form of the younger guy suffering from maybe low self esteem from bullying and growing up in a very religious family where being gay was seen as a sin. So some dark angsty plotlines with some drama, as well as true feelings developing between them with the hot sex on the side.

I don't care too much about pbs, ages for the younger guy could be anywhere between 18-25. I can do journals, discord or a mix of both. Also would add ic chatting between them. Comments will be screened.
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[23 Feb 2019|09:12pm]
would anyone like to play high school seniors or college kids? down for taking a line somewhere! letter writing and other extras would be lovely.
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[ viewing | February 23rd, 2019 ]
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