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[19 Feb 2019|06:13am]
would someone do a slash line where its a rock star and photographer/roadie, or even an ex who does merch for the band and they still hook up from time to time? you'd be the rock star. a line where your either a drag queen or trans-person and they're dating a well-known actor, model, or musician. a brian kinney/justin taylor line, two club owners who are very wealthy and used to be in a 'relationship', or a gang type line like sons of anarchy
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[19 Feb 2019|06:29am]
can i get something slash for yelawolf?
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[19 Feb 2019|06:40am]
can i get something slash for joe, maybe take it somewhere? charlie puth, colton haynes, zayn, liam, harry, shawn mendes? open to other faces
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[19 Feb 2019|02:32pm]
Robinson Crusoe in space, anyone? Character A is a space captain/cop transferring character B, the arrested criminal, to a prison colony/prison on an alien planet. But of course the trip doesn’t go as planned and something forces the space cop/the crew to crash-land the ship on an unknown planet. With character B still stuck in his cell and the (few) survivors of the crew treating him like a caged animal, things aren’t looking great for B. And his fate even seems to be taking a turn for the worse when an alien virus starts to spread among his captors/caretakers, killing them off one after another in no time. With the crew members dying, the group of survivors is soon down to two – the feverish and obviously infected Cop, A, and the perfectly healthy prisoner, B. After arguing with the space cop that he cannot let him starve inside his cell and that ‘hey, look, man - this virus doesn’t seem to affect me, so maybe I can find something, some herb or fruit or whatever, to save your fucking ass’, the space cop does agree that his own chances of survival are really close to nonexistent and, as he feels his body succumbing to the fever and that he's merely two breaths away from losing consciousness, opens B’s cell in one last act of mercy (Or kindness? Or maybe he’s going to blame it on the fever and the alien virus affecting his brain chemistry…).

Anyways. What happens once the space cop recovers from the fever and regains consciousness is completely up for discussion. I would love a bit of bonding over their new situation, of A and B joining forces to ensure their survival on a dangerous planet, and, well, them really getting to know each other despite their prejudices. And then, I would like for a rescue party to show up and force them back into their old roles (Bonus points if the rescue team is Criminal B’s old gang and the space cop ends up as B’s captive).

Threading and journals only. Not picky about faces, willing to take on either role. Would prefer to focus on two human men in an alien setting, but also willing to make one of them an alien or hybrid.
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[19 Feb 2019|04:03pm]
Something for Frank Iero? I am open to playing a modern, slash line, or something from his My Chemical Romance days.
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[ viewing | February 19th, 2019 ]
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