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[17 Feb 2019|06:00am]
still looking for something for macaulay, not picky on who i play him against
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[17 Feb 2019|06:55am]
looking to take a slash line somewhere, thinking celeb, would anyone be down to apply with me? or go somewhere? i'll even do a psl
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[17 Feb 2019|08:50am]
I’m looking for some interested in playing Hercules against my Hylas. We could play in a mythological Ancient Greek setting but my idea is to play them in modern day. Two cursed lovers that continue to be reincarnated and find each other but can never find happiness for long as the curse always kills one of them again within X amount of time. They could retain their memories, regain them after meeting and falling in love again, Hercules could always retain the need to find Hylas, both get drawn to a specific place to meet, neither remember anything ever (not preferred), etc.

I’d be happy playing the line with the curse and reincarnation being the only supernatural element or we could include more mythological elements (have the gods real, monsters out in the world with Hercules and Hylas going on adventures to fight them).

Also always looking for lines for the sorcerer in this journal.
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[17 Feb 2019|07:51pm]
would someone do a slash line where they both work at a carnival with rides and all that fun stuff? coupled together or in the works?
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[17 Feb 2019|09:57pm]
slash psl?!
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[ viewing | February 17th, 2019 ]
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