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[26 Jan 2019|05:50am]
does anyone remember the band crazy town and would do something against shifty from the band?
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[26 Jan 2019|02:01pm]
Looking for a father/son line with no limits for my Tom Holland PB. I have a few ideas in mind, but mainly want to focus on including as many kinks as possible. Comment at the journal if you're interested.
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[26 Jan 2019|05:05pm]
@ [info]arcain

I am looking for this man's partner. Devin is a warlock from an uppity family that refuses to acknowledge this partner. Name and PB is open. Lasttime I played him, his partner was named Micheal. Devin is socially inadequate so their romance would have taken a long time to slowly come together but once it did they would be thick as thieves.
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[26 Jan 2019|09:39pm]
noah reid, or another cute guy, to ~where?
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[ viewing | January 26th, 2019 ]
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