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[18 Jan 2019|06:07am]
looking for something fun, dramatic and long term (slash wise) anyone down for a line?
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[18 Jan 2019|08:15am]
psl for tom sandoval. The other tom would be great, but cliche or not I really want to play tom!
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[18 Jan 2019|01:16pm]
does anyone play frank iero by any chance?
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[18 Jan 2019|06:16pm]
Still up for another lone or two to pass time. Prefer playing Adam Lambert but I'm open to ideas for lines. Contact is in the journal.
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[18 Jan 2019|07:29pm]
[info]arcain a somewhat atypical omega were-creature to help kill this firefighter wolf's loneliness?
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[18 Jan 2019|08:42pm]
Still looking for a supernatural/ fantasy line for my Avan Jogia PB. I would love a prince/ knight, heir/ bodyguard or monster prince/ fated hunter plot for the line, ideally without an age gap. I would place the prince/ heir/ monster prince in all these situations. Threading/ GDocs and slash only.
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[18 Jan 2019|08:47pm]
A man comes to a small, cozy coastal town. Maybe he's looking to finally write that novel, maybe he inherited a house from a recently deceased relative, maybe he's escaping his past. He falls in love with a lonely fisherman who just happens to be the local mermaid.

Alternatively, any of these storylines.

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[18 Jan 2019|10:20pm]
Anyone interested in a line with this widowed werewolf? Thinking of taking him to [info]arcain.
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[ viewing | January 18th, 2019 ]
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