slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
slash storyline community

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[08 Jan 2019|10:23am]
Super-active slashy GPSL with very friendly, communicative players. NO GHOSTING. Journals and Discord. Plot GUARANTEED. Looking for people interested in building real relationships and awesome connections. Plot involves a modern day rocker mentoring a new band; looking for people to play the bassist and drummer for the band, as well as other characters involved in a musician-oriented world. Sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, drama, angst, love, friendship, smut, fluff and all of the above. We've been playing for a bit and would love the rest of our band to join us! Approach nicky#1634 on Discord for more info!
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[08 Jan 2019|03:47pm]
looking for a long term line
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[08 Jan 2019|05:43pm]
[info]abound Looking to bring an omega guy in, he's currently a (mostly) blank state so any suggestions would be great or to fill a friendship/sibling line!
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[ viewing | January 8th, 2019 ]
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