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[06 Jan 2019|12:35pm]
Yuri on Ice!!!, anyone? I have a Katsuki Yuuri here and can't get enough of this fandom.
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[06 Jan 2019|05:52pm]
a guy who will let him do all the dirty things to him that his girlfriend wont let him do to her?
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[06 Jan 2019|08:59pm]
Looking for an Alexander Ludwig PB for my Avan Jogia PB. Let's brainstorm something, preferably supernatural or fantasy. My character is likely to be a highborn/ rich boy. Threading or GDocs only.
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[06 Jan 2019|09:36pm]
A good boy nerd type for my bad boy? Thinking a senior in high school vs a high school drop out and the parents aren't happy about it. Maybe Asa Butterfield?
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[06 Jan 2019|10:49pm]
is there anyone else with a soft spot for unconventional/rarely (if ever) used faces that would like to form a psl? bonus points for faces who are over 30. admittedly, slice of life is my comfort zone, but i love threads/scenes and allowing characters to really dig into getting to know each other. there is a screened post in the journal, if you prefer, and i'm happy to set up customs to chat.
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[ viewing | January 6th, 2019 ]
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