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[02 Jan 2019|04:14am]
looking for something long term for davey havok that wont die off after a day or two
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[02 Jan 2019|06:15am]
looking for a long term line, i dont have time for communities but hopefully someone would be up for a good line where your guy could be somewhat of a tour manager/personal assistant and my guy is the musician. i love drama so we can figure out what limitations you have, i just want to write!
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[02 Jan 2019|06:46am]
[info]abound The dating app for the discerning Alphas, Betas, and Omegas!
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[02 Jan 2019|06:46am]
would someone try playing taylor hanson? if possible against scott moffatt from the moffatt's early years or alex greenwald, even ben jelen?
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[02 Jan 2019|02:08pm]
anyone up for a celeb, small smut based gpsl? will always take psls too!
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[ viewing | January 2nd, 2019 ]
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