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[08 Jul 2018|02:25pm]
anyone looking for chanyeol or a chanyeol shaped character? :) i don't have much in my journal as of right now, but check it if you like!
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[08 Jul 2018|10:35pm]
MCU I play...
Bucky usually Bucky/Steve, really interested in a Bucky/Tony right now, always up for Bucky/Clint, Bucky/T'Challa, Bucky/Rumlow, and others. Would also be up for a gender-bent Natasha (I love him and Natasha but I just don't do het well!)
Stephen Strange usually against Tony or Bruce but open to any one
Tony got a good line against a Peter or Steve mostly but open to others!

I would love an Oliver/Tommy line (playing Oliver) or an Oliver/Slade line (playing either)

Usually play by email but just starting to play around with discord, I can thread but I am slower that way.
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[ viewing | July 8th, 2018 ]
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