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[22 Apr 2018|05:29am]
would someone consider pbing or celebing jake bass? if not can i get something for max ryder?
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[22 Apr 2018|05:50am]
does anyone slash anyone from the good ole punk rock bands like fall out boy, cobra, the academy is, blink, mest, all time low, 5sos, or panic?
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[22 Apr 2018|11:47am]
[info]rattlesnake You’ll love it here. Fellow professors and students at UNLV are especially welcome.
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[22 Apr 2018|08:20pm]
[info]rattlesnake - clients for this massage therapist, fwb, a roommate, exes, a best friend, all the things!
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[22 Apr 2018|09:46pm]
Other tattoo artists who work at his shop with him @ [info]rattlesnake. Also looking for his younger brother who just came back from his military deployment, or a snake he can't get enough of, or friends and drinking buddies, or guys he knew from his stint in prison when he was 19-22 or his stint in juvie before then. Let's working out something.
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[22 Apr 2018|10:41pm]
Looking for a long term, plotty, sci-fi, kinky, slash line. Details in the journal.
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[22 Apr 2018|11:57pm]
[info]rattlesnake, ignore the journal for now but what can lines could i fill for you?
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[ viewing | April 22nd, 2018 ]
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