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[23 Jan 2018|05:58am]
something slash for brooklyn beckham? celeb or pb
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no he isn't brandon lee the actor that's dead, hes tommy lee's son [23 Jan 2018|06:25am]
lucky, are you out there?
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[23 Jan 2018|08:49am]
looking for a taron for a psl, might be able to swing it for other faces as well.
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[23 Jan 2018|11:36am]

Longing for the old days of RP, where anyone would talk to everyone, and there was no elitist bullshit going on? Then check the wanted list and come be a part of [personal profile] ziggystardst, an active, inclusive, fun, and tight-knit celeb community, reminiscent of the way things used to be in RP. And no elitist bullshit. LGBTQ friendly.

[community profile] life_on_mars - Main Community
[community profile] diamond_dogs - Wanted List

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[23 Jan 2018|12:33pm]
[info]tarnishedmod Oscar Isaac, please, as something long-lived for constant run-ins and constant snark (and maybe sexual tension?) Daisy Ridley, Laura Dern, John Boyega, etc; let's Star Wars this shit up. Fae in general, more vampires for him to avoid. Everything!
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[23 Jan 2018|06:34pm]
Looking for a science fiction slash line involving space, starships, aliens and anomalies. I want visiting weird planets, alien invasions, scrambling to fix the engine before the ship blows up, etc.

Using original characters and potentially set in the Trek universe (if you’re into that) but also happy to world build. Happy to discuss/plot, let me know if you're interested!
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[23 Jan 2018|07:24pm]
Been re-watching Arrow a lot recently and am looking to brush off my Oliver Queen muse. Mostly looking for slash lines for him, especially Slade Wilson or Tommy Merlyn but also open to others and other Arrow-verse men.

Also I play in the MCU (Bucky, Tony, Wade, and Stephen) and Star-Trek Reboot (Khan). Open to some AU stuff (including ABO) but mostly What-If kind of lines.

About me: Email and some threading. Of legal age. tags 1-3 times a day.
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[23 Jan 2018|09:44pm]
after watching the movie freak show i’d love to play a well-to-do nonbinary gender queer (but predominately homosexual) male character who moves to a small conservation town and makes friends with his new school’s southern gentleman "straight" jock/popular boy who has a deeper artsy side that my kid can help explore by being “different” from the other people in his town. looking for a cute first love story with fluff, smut, drama, angst, and character building galore as they explore the beauty in the mundane together and help each other see through very different eyes. threading only, slow burn or not. ian nelson loved but not required. pb flexible.
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[23 Jan 2018|11:37pm]
I'd love someone to play his older brother Marcus over at [info]pleasantgrove I'm not picky when it comes to faces.
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