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[16 Dec 2017|12:51am]
[info]rattlesnake this ray of sunshine could use some clients (and a roommate or two).
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[16 Dec 2017|04:05am]
[info]rattlesnake faces, faces, all types of faces
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[16 Dec 2017|08:25pm]
[info]abona an Alpha or two for this omega witch? Unconventional faces welcome. I have several plot ideas if interested.
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[16 Dec 2017|09:50pm]
I'm fresh of the Last Jedi and need a serious SW slash fix. Finn, OC, Male!Rose, some Rogue One AU goodness. I'm pretty open to the pairing so long as there's a solid plot to go along with.
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[16 Dec 2017|09:58pm]
any strict alpha harry styles out there looking for an innocent omega louis to use?
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[ viewing | December 16th, 2017 ]
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