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[23 Oct 2017|01:40pm]
High fantasy, anyone? Elves, knights, sorcerers, mages, etc. I have a male elf here who's desperate for play, het or slash! Would love to find someone who doesn't mind jumping in with minimal plotting or even choosing PBs right away, as I'm more focused on the writing and description than aesthetics. Worldbuilding is fun! A time-travel element / modern human dropped into fantasy world might be interesting, too. Hit me up here or in the journal to discuss! Apologies for x-posting.
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[23 Oct 2017|03:19pm]
a pretty, young thing to keep brian entertained? psl or comm!
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[23 Oct 2017|03:25pm]
One more plea for actors to fill the roles in this fake Netflix show that's based on this character's graphic novels. They're almost finished filming Season One, and I'm sure the other played people who are involved would love their costars for things!

I've got some faces I'd love to see in the game, but honestly they're wide open. Come see us @ [info]rattlesnake.
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[23 Oct 2017|06:41pm]
looking for some slash lines for this guy. i'd prefer longterm and i have ideas, but not opposed to one shots.
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[23 Oct 2017|07:15pm]
[info]rattlesnake adds are in a few hours. Still strong and active and so much fun. Check out [info]snakelines for lines and ideas.
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[23 Oct 2017|11:11pm]
[info]rattlesnake would love a cute young thing to have fun with during breaks
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[ viewing | October 23rd, 2017 ]
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