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[11 Jan 2017|09:41am]
comments are screened. any one of you gorgeous blokes want to accompany me to a comm?
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[11 Jan 2017|09:55am]
[info]slashrpg Jason Momoa, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Timothy Omundson, Adam Driver (!!!) Diego Luna, Pedro Pascal, Jude Law, more *trans people in general because come on, they fucking exist. Lines of any and all sorts, really. I'm hesitant to join & I'd love to have my mind changed.
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[11 Jan 2017|10:02pm]
Would anyone write the daddy in a daddy/boy slash line, preferably over AIM and something that would last more than just a couple of scenes?
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[ viewing | January 11th, 2017 ]
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