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x-posted [13 Nov 2016|12:12am]
i think i lost my slp so i'm in search of someone to play a hetero-identified male in his early 20s for a slow burn, close friends line that'll involve a lot of build up and sexual tension before it gets to anything physical. a good mix of plot and smut, preferably heavy on custom interaction at the start while we get a feel for their dynamic. i've got a personality and backstory already worked out for this guy that i'd like to keep but his pb can change if necessary.
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screened [13 Nov 2016|02:31am]
brendon for a psl?
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[13 Nov 2016|05:37am]
could i possibly get a slash line for jared leto?
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[13 Nov 2016|06:18am]
something for joe long-term (bieber, malik, payne, I'll even play him against nick! zac efron or colton haynes would be great as well!)
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[13 Nov 2016|11:32am]
Looking for Marvel modern AU lines. Nothing completely canon, and as different as we want.

The usual suspects, Stucky (I'll play either), Stony (either), Science Bros (me as Tony), but also less common such as IronWinter (either), FrostIron (either), and really interested in WinterBones (me as Rumlow), and WinterHulk (me as Bucky.)

Also really interested in trying a Steven Strange muse. AU for now. If you want to test one out I'll be happy to pair someone.
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[13 Nov 2016|01:06pm]
Shortcut here is a teleporter and part of a family gang of super criminals and mercenaries (think DC's Royal Flush Gang). The group has recently lost some of their muscle in a job gone bad and have set their eyes on recruiting your guy as a replacement. Alternatively, Shortcut would love to play around with a hero that can't quite bring himself to arrest Shortcut.

Slash and threading please.
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[13 Nov 2016|02:34pm]
Bit of a long shot, but I'd love to get someone to join a comm on livejournal for my Craig Parker PB. he's a yoga instructor, fairly quiet and more of a home body these days than a clubber like he was once upon a time.
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[13 Nov 2016|05:28pm]
andrew rannells for a psl?
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[13 Nov 2016|08:24pm]
[info]newamsterdam a 40+ male as his husband! they're separated, it's complicated, and i have details galore.
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[13 Nov 2016|09:05pm]
Something fluffy (with potential for smut) for this grumpy coffee addict? A high school best friend/secret summer fling he could run into again? A persistent neighbor? I'm always up for brainstorming. AIM would be fantastic, but I won't say no to threading!
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[13 Nov 2016|11:36pm]
an average older heteronormaltive gentleman who is married, engaged, dating, or just plain unavailable for my slightly younger wildchild to relentlessly pursue? something long-term and threading based with equal parts smut and plot. pbs i'd love to play again include chris wood, colin jost, john krasinski, chris pratt, anders holm, jeremy jordan, adam devine, and more!
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