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[08 Oct 2016|08:19am]
Going to make this short and simple. Only looking for DCTV characters. I've got Mick, Barry and an Eobard I'm offering up to play against any muse of your choice. Just really need to write and with people who won't end up flaking on me. Shipping or Gen/platonic is fine with me, just want a couple of lines to keep me busy. You immediately get my love if you're Eobard, Barry, Snart or Eddie.

I'm the type of writer that'll write a ton of build up/ the long journey to the the thing before anything gets too shippy- the only exception is mick because of obvious reasons if I've got a snart to play off of. But regardless. Expect heavily based plot with the smut.
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[08 Oct 2016|12:50pm]
something fun and smutty for my Junior face? he'd love to pin devon bostick, troye sivan or nick robinson's ass to the bed. or give up his hole to them or a cute ginger. probably HS or college based.
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[08 Oct 2016|04:29pm]
home/someone to tag along with me?
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[08 Oct 2016|04:36pm]
I got sucked into Westworld pretty quickly, and I'd love to play something with robots and people in an adult theme park of violence and sex.

More details here.
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screened [08 Oct 2016|08:52pm]
harry shum jr/matt daddario? celeb only, i will play either :)
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[08 Oct 2016|09:37pm]
Feeling the Halloween spirit. Would anyone be up for a psl with zombies or vampires or werewolves (but I'll admit to knowing shit about the whole alpha beta whatever deal) or some other random creepy something. A stalker and his unsuspecting neighbor. The boyfriend who turns obsessive. The tough guy who breaks into some dude's home only to realize the dude is completely insane. After binge watching the walking dead's last season I'm feeling zombies, but I can easily be swayed. Face/journal not relevant unless you actually want Brendon. I don't care who you bring to the table, I'll play against anyone! I'd love to do minimal plotting and just jump into something. Toss me a starter even, if you feel inclined, and I'll roll with it.
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