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[27 Jun 2016|05:50am]
Can I tempt anyone into a horror or fantasy threading line? Slash or het, long-term, plot and PBs open. Anything with witches and familiars, ghosts, haunted houses, creepy cabins, zombies and general apocalypses, vampires, werecreatures etc. I'll write anyone from a normal guy thrown into terrible circumstances to someone with darker/sociopathic leanings.
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[27 Jun 2016|09:59am]
something for him, maybe even to take somewhere if it clicks? celeb, pls and ty.
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[27 Jun 2016|10:39am]
I made this character to fill a line with someone who disappeared, but I really like the character and the line idea, and would love to fill it with someone else!

Basically, it's a Bucky & Cap-esque lie but with OCs. Superpowered folk, met in war days, became bffs and were on their way to more when Your Guy is snatched by an evil organization, brainwashed, etc. My guy thinks he's dead. Flash forward to future (present) and your guy has resurfaced brainwashed and causing trouble and my guy has to capture him and then try and get through the brainwashing and of course feelings are still there.

I have a profile in the journal with more info. Clichéd but I'd love to play against a Seb Stan, but other PBs are fine too. Most interested in the line and the writing and plotting and character chemistry. Thread. Comments screened.
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[27 Jun 2016|05:42pm]
looking for a longterm femme or slash line
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[27 Jun 2016|10:47pm]
I would love to get one or two more PSLs now that I've dropped a game. Supernatural lines and threading only. I really cannot stay interested in slice of life.

As far as games are concerned, I'd love to see Delos Redfern, Maggie Neely, Jade and Rowan Redfern, the rest of Morgead Blackthorn's gang members and more at [info]strangefate. OCs are also very welcome!

I would also like the twin sister of [info]halfshadow for [info]heartsportent, a game based on the Monsterhearts system. My character is the Ghoul - he was brought back to life after being torn apart at a prom massacre with an inhuman hunger, when all he wants to do is be a normal teenager and just live his life the way he was meant to. I would love the Infernal or the Werewolf as his twin sister. I would also love to see the Witch, the Infernal, and the Hollow, too!

Reply here or in my dropbox for more information. Comments are screened. Cross-posted, smy
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