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[18 Apr 2016|06:34am]
would someone play joe jonas or nick jonas against cole whittle?
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[18 Apr 2016|11:52am]
would anyone be interested in writing a chris perceval, justin bieber, zayn malik, andre hamann, or another tattooed pb against a nico tortorella? i'm open to brainstorming a solid line
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[18 Apr 2016|01:51pm]
[info]newamsterdam. I would love to have his first love to reappear in his after twenty plus years. Lots of lovely details for this lines for those who are interested. A line with fewer details that could be interesting is that the best friend he had a crush growing up on is actually gay too, but has been in the closet as well. Both lines require PBs that can pull off 47/48 going on 48/49.
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[18 Apr 2016|03:08pm]
[info]hellosunny a brand new, slice of life LGBTQ game, now taking holds and accepting applications!
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[18 Apr 2016|07:09pm]
my guy's been dying to eat some cocky little straight boy ass and his disrespectful young neighbor (or nephew) is a prime candidate for a lesson on prostate stimulation and hands-free orgasms. pb or celeb, threading preferred, little to no squicks so bring it.
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[18 Apr 2016|08:12pm]
ignore the journal, or don't. I want to play a horror, apocalyptic line around the internet game Exmortis. You can view playthroughs of it here and here. (the videos are Not safe for work due to their horror elements and cursing)

Or you could look for it @
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ignore the journal, or don't. I want to play a horror, apocalyptic line around the internet game Exmortis. You can view playthroughs of it <a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here.</a> (the videos are Not safe for work due to their horror elements and cursing)

Or you could look for it @ <a href"">newgrounds</a> and play it yourself, be warned though that the third you have to pay for. (but it's well made, so understandable)

Some things you need to know before responding: My length of writing depends on many factors, but I prefer shorter posts due to flow of the story as I feel characters can be themselves without getting flowery. I enjoy writing multiple characters, but we can focus on our mains. (I wouldn't mind a little het play and will play males against females)

I'd love for an older male/younger male pairing in this, but it's not required. I'd love for the meat of the story to take place an a well established underground bunker, but outside of it as well.

That's it really, we can discuss all else if you're interested.
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[18 Apr 2016|08:14pm]
something for Justin Bieber
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[18 Apr 2016|11:06pm]
In search of a psl. Let's throw some stuff at the wall and see what sticks.
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