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[24 Feb 2016|05:30am]
would someone play austin mahone, drake, chris brown, austin, luke, calum, michael, zayn, liam, harry, mat musto, or maybe a model against bieber?
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[24 Feb 2016|04:06pm]
looking for a long term coming-of-age/hurt-comfort/angst central storyline between two young adult characters (aged 18-20) who have heaps of past history between them. ideally, we'd be npcing characters in their friend group (or even potentially forming a small gpsl or something like that!), and really building up these characters etc etc. i'm mostly looking for something with a slow burn to really sink my teeth into, so comment if you're interested! i have a few themes in mind, but no real concrete plotlines so we can brainstorm up pretty much anything.
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[24 Feb 2016|04:07pm]
something for benji
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[24 Feb 2016|05:17pm]
something for Marilyn manson. I will pb him as him
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[24 Feb 2016|06:54pm]
World War I - early 1900's RP?

It's the time period of estates, heirs, big houses, and titles and Character A is the heir to a big one. He is lined up to be the Marquess of Hertford, to inherit a castle of a house, and a staff to go with it. He wasn't always that important though. He left for the war with his older brother, he was a no one, destined to inherit nothing, and never even really gave his name out to many people--when he came home though, he was suddenly the heir apparent.

Character B was another solider whom he fought with. They fought side by side, and eventually slept side by side in those nights where shells were flying down from the sky and you just prayed one didn't fall into your trench. Those were the times where you didn't know if you were waking up tomorrow. There was a drive to live for the moment--even if that meant to live in sin. Now Character A goes home, is suddenly the heir to his home, to his fortune, and to the rules of noble society... so what happens when Character B pops back up in his life?

Character B could be hired as his valet, to work in the house, or could even be another noble who comes over to stay one, perhaps is flirting with A's sister, a ward, the estate agent, whatever! I just want to play with the dynamics of what happens when people who are supposed to be a certain way find they aren't.
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Cross-posted, sorry! [24 Feb 2016|08:05pm]
Could I get a line for this guy (he's a medium, so it would be a supernatural-based line), by any chance? Check his bio and my OOC info for all you need to know and comment there if anything interests. Cheers!
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[24 Feb 2016|09:26pm]
could i get an oscar isaac pb for a slash line? i'm primarily interested in slice of life or faux celeb types of lines, with plenty of use of customs and hopefully some fun extras like spam, mixtapes, movie/tv/game nights, etc.
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