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[28 Feb 2015|12:08am]
would anyone play jon walker against my spencer smith? i have something specific in mind plus they had lunch the other day so joncer lives
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[28 Feb 2015|08:39am]
something for adam lambert
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[28 Feb 2015|10:06am]
[info]slushees, a Glee role play experience that allows you the opportunity to decide what happens! Pick your favorite character and determine what their fate will be.

Currently we are looking for: Dave Karofsky, Unique Adams, Alistair, Adam Crawford, Chandler, and more. Apply here!
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[28 Feb 2015|01:49pm]
anyone want to work something out to take to a community or psl with this guy? comments screened, and threading preferred.
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[28 Feb 2015|03:03pm]
Still tinkering with the layout but go ahead and give me some line love? Read everything please.
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[28 Feb 2015|05:15pm]
Looking for a line involving a couple of guys who were together and had a messy break up. Mine always kept the other at a safe distance, because of issues with his own sexuality and jealousy. Your guy had a best friend who was obviously in love with him and flirted constantly, and they were touchy-feely, but never actually did anything. Mine broke it off when he caught them making out, after a confession from the best friend.

It's been a couple years and my guy has never quite gotten over yours. He's gotten out of another messy relationship that was actually on the abusive side, and has sunk to a pretty low point. He's been sleeping with prostitutes that look like your guy. One night he finds a website and selects yet another, but to his surprise, the real thing shows up at his door. He doesn't have to actually be a prostitute, he could have always found out through a mutual friend what's going on, and found out when he was going to have an appointment, and showed up.

I'd like for this to have some plot to it along with the smut, and maybe some angst and drama. Everything's up for discussion.

Also just finished Queer as Folk(US) and if anyone is up for playing a Brian Kinney or a Brian Kinney-ish guy against my Justin Taylor (or even vice versa) I'd love something like that, too. Yeah, this line is loosely based off of one of the episodes.

Screened, threading only.
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[28 Feb 2015|06:12pm]
After a break from role-playing, I'd really love to find someone interest in either of the below slash lines. The first deals with a character that I created for a tabletop D&D campaign that ended up getting switched to something else so I never got to play him. it can be played in either a fantasy or modern setting.

The Warlock was conceived as the result of a hellish ritual performed by the members of Circle of Hellfire. Created to be their demon patron's scion on Earth, the cult groomed the Warlock to one day take his place as the leader of not only the Circle of Hellfire but also the demon's fiendish army. However, the Warlock felt no great desire to live the rest of his life in the chains created by the cult and the demon's expectations of him and, when he mastered the abilities bestowed on him by his demonic father and the cult's training, turned on both. After destroying the ritual that would also the demon to cross into Earth and burning his way through the cult's forces, the Warlock vanished into the night. Now free, the Warlock indulged in all the pleasures of the world, using his powers to float from the between the nicest beds and bars and filling his pockets with the money of his admirers. Almost naturally he fell into a life of crime, stealling from some of his victims and fencing the goods of his associates. It was a matter of time before he became the owner of his own bar that he used as the legal face of his growing criminal network. However, success comes with infamy and that makes it all the more difficult to hide from demons and cults out for your blood.
-I'm really open to who I play against. He's a selfish hedonist so playing against an up-and-up good person would be fun for the conflict (paladin type in fantasy setting or a cop/law enforcement in modern), but playing with one of his employees, associated thieves/mercenaries/bounty hunters or even a demon or cult member would be fun as well.

Something between a mage and his familiar. I see the familiar as an ancient magical entity that was unwilling bound by either the mage himself or his ancestors. The familiar wants to free itself, the mage wants to keep it bound.
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[28 Feb 2015|07:41pm]
Looking for a c boy for a line in a community on livejournal. I have some faces in mind that I'd love to play against but I'm also open to suggestions.
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[28 Feb 2015|10:04pm]
I've had a really shitty week. A couple of new lines to cheer me up? :( Plot and character-driven lines, please. I only do slash and threading and I have some themes and interests listed in this journal. I have some open threads as well. You can also throw ideas at me if you have lines you want filled.
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