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[10 Aug 2014|05:09am]
could i get a colton haynes, dave/zac, james/zac, or joe jonas/zac?
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[10 Aug 2014|02:37pm]
[info]gdate louis tomlinson you've been summoned
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[10 Aug 2014|02:38pm]
a Derek for my Stiles, please?
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[10 Aug 2014|02:57pm]
[info]despair Lucifer? And Kushiel, Puriel, Dokiel.
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[10 Aug 2014|02:59pm]
something for adam lambert, an older actor would be perfect! any ex of his, drag queens, adore specifically or rhea litre. I'm not picky though!
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[10 Aug 2014|04:07pm]
[info]supersuit okay, so i've decided i'm definitely bringing in sam alexander. problem: he's 16. so, he needs some partners in crime! i'm looking at you teen heroes! some x-men, some young x-men, some young avengers, some avengers academy, some runaways, some all new x-men, some teen titans, some young justice, some doom patrol, some legion of superheroes! ;_; don't make him be that lonely teen with no friends but old people. they reek of death and moth balls. (especially this guy.
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[10 Aug 2014|04:56pm]
Looking for a vampire line with a massive twist: instead of the human being the pet, the vampire is the pet. Threading preferred and there are more details for those interested.
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[10 Aug 2014|05:23pm]
could i get a zac efron for dave franco?
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[10 Aug 2014|05:52pm]
would someone pb/celeb jared leto, sharon needles, adore delano, alaska thunderfuck, shane jenek, adam lambert, bianca del rio or someone against davey havok?
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[10 Aug 2014|06:11pm]
check the journal. go ahead and make me a custom if interested.
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[10 Aug 2014|06:21pm]
could i get a tyler or something slash for dylan?
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[10 Aug 2014|06:33pm]
teen wolf lines for scott mccall?
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[10 Aug 2014|06:53pm]
could i get an pete or william for a long-term line?
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[10 Aug 2014|09:03pm]
Has anyone read the book Fan Art by Sarah Tregay? I just finished it and would love to continue Jamie and Mason's story
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[10 Aug 2014|09:18pm]
customs, scenes, lines for andrew garfield? slash only please
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[10 Aug 2014|09:53pm]
Looking for an Arthur for my Eames
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[10 Aug 2014|11:52pm]
Long shot, I know...

Captain Jack Harkness desperately seeking to work things out once more with Ianto Jones. Wrist strap fixed and ready to save him from that horrible ending.

Open to other ideas. Slash. Email. Also open to picking up another BBC: Sherlock line where I play Sherlock, Mycroft, and Moriarty
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[ viewing | August 10th, 2014 ]
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