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[30 Mar 2014|03:41am]
Looking for a Michael Fassbender for my Logan Lerman c-boy. Could involve incest, darker elements, maybe kidnapping, but doesn't have to. If there could be non-con at least at first, I'd be a happy camper. I'd also prefer it if there's some plot and character exploration along with the smut. I could also take the c-boy element out, if you'd prefer. I've got a few ideas, just depends on how dark you want to get. Comments are screened.
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[30 Mar 2014|06:46am]
does anyone play alex turner, raja (sutan amrull), carmen carrera, detox, or alan cumming?
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[30 Mar 2014|02:28pm]
Anything for Logan?
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[30 Mar 2014|03:18pm]
does anyone play any of the guys of one direction or justin bieber?
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[30 Mar 2014|04:53pm]
A few bits and pieces I've been wanting lately:

  • A Rupert Graves/Mark Gatiss pb line about a long-term couple going through divorce and coming back together again eventually? Willing to play either and open to other similar faces as well.
  • Does anyone know what Spaced is? (If you don't, it's about two people pretending to be a couple to live in a nice flat.) I'd love a slash version of this.
  • A comprehensive slash historical line set in either turn of the century Oxbridge or something incorporating Gothic elements (think Wuthering Heights.)
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    [30 Mar 2014|08:11pm]
    Looking for Game of Thrones/ASoIaF lines. Femme preferred.

    Some ideas (aged up unless otherwise specified):

    Read more... )

    I'd also love to hear your ideas! I'm flexible and I can be contacted best through comments (here), or through email ( Also, x-posted, sorry!
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    [30 Mar 2014|10:52pm]
    A Derek, Isaac, Stiles, or another Teen Wolf boy for a line with my Scott McCall? Open to crossvers as well.
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