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[05 Jan 2014|04:38am]
Would anyone be interested in a line that involves foster kids and their byproducts of living in a bad neighborhood? I'm thinking it wont be linear, allowing us to jump from their first few years, starting about 16 ish and then move onto working on with one bettering himself while the other stayed in the poor neighborhood. We could continue this into adulthood, have an on again off again relationship. The other variation would be them meeting in foster care but one of them getting adopted into a wealthier family, both getting adopted into the same family, or them jumping around through different families but still keeping in contact. I'd love to bring in sexual confusion about their sexuality, a feeling of closeness that possibly drifts apart or becomes tighter, drama with the police, law enforcement, etc.

Alot of options with a lot of cool character development. I'm not picky or requiring any option above, just some cool prompts. I'd love to do some world building and brainstorming to make this idea radical. No matter which one we'd pick I'd really like if just because one boy stays in the slums/poor areas doesn't mean he's stupid or dumb, if that makes any sense.

Going to bed but if you reply with a custom I'll post in the morning.
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[05 Jan 2014|12:54pm]
Would there be any interest in a slash gpsl or comm based in modern, slightly dystopian/post-apocalyptic au wild west setting? the game will be plot centric and welcoming of darker storylines.
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[05 Jan 2014|01:31pm]
i would love a long-term, interesting slash line that includes lots of threads, spam, random extras and fun webs stuff, maybe aim, and other delightful things. there's a list of my preferred pbs in the journal. i'm looking for a solid, excited writer to collaborate with.
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[05 Jan 2014|02:09pm]
Can I get something for Lee Pace? pb preferred but will do celeb as well. Would like to develop something we could possibly take to a community if it feels right or we can keep as a psl
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[05 Jan 2014|03:47pm]
I probably have a better shot of finding an ice cube in the 7th circle of hell, buttttt:

Would anyone be up for a line that involves footplay as a kink? doesn't have to be the major central purpose, or hell the centric kink but someone who is comfortable with it and doesn't shy away from it would be awesome. Could be mild to wild, but I'd really appreciate it!

X-Posted, Sorry.
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[05 Jan 2014|04:39pm]
something for david
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[05 Jan 2014|07:09pm]
Need some lines for Jimmy - he's feel sorely neglected in the new series. :(
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[05 Jan 2014|07:10pm]
[info]hollywooduncut More adds done tonight. No examples required unless you're being challenged.
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comments screened [05 Jan 2014|08:56pm]
does anyone celeb jensen ackles?
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[05 Jan 2014|08:58pm]
So! I just got this guy into [info]befanged and was wondering if I can tempt anyone else into joining. Maybe for a line with my Chris Pine pb? New friend, potential band member, enemy, future father of his children soul mate. I have horribly cliché pb ideas in mind for the latter but I'm happy to work out anything.
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