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[08 Apr 2013|05:45am]
with gerard's birthday being tomorrow is there anyway i could get something slash for him? i'm still looking for a bert so we can have some drama there, frank would be amazing but i'll also take anyone that you wouldn't ever see gerard with at all. i hope someone will give me what i'm looking for :)
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[08 Apr 2013|06:11am]
looking for a darren, have something in mind!
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[08 Apr 2013|11:59am]
[info]splendor jonathan groff
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[08 Apr 2013|12:12pm]
Looking for a guy for him for a romantic/domestic relationship line in this community on livejournal. Please be openminded and don't be a flake.
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X-posted... [08 Apr 2013|01:05pm]
Hey guys! So I know I did an ad for this guy a while ago when I had no ideas for him, but now I'm back with him firmly in the game [info]cityoangels and completed! Ignore the bio section being blank, as that's a work in progress as the game develops. Anyways! He's got a possible romance line at the moment, but there are many, many lines that I'd love to see filled! :D He's a police officer, particularly in the Gang and Narcotics squad, and when he's at work he's very serious and is intent on getting the job done right the first time as fast as possible. He follows a daily schedule. Outside of the job, he's pretty humorous and flirtatious. Now that you have an idea of who he is, here are a couple of lines I'd like filled for him:

Lines! )
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[08 Apr 2013|01:27pm]
Adds/Removals will be done tonight at [info]sexuel
Feel free to come over and put in holds for a character that you have sitting around homeless. Friendly place and need more people to keep the ball rolling. Will be activities throughout the month to get everyone active so that everyone can have fun.

Secrets, Monthly discussions, TV viewings, Birthday posts, Member of the month, etc are all things that we have in mind.

Taken / Held

Come on over and check us out! Mention this ad and you don't have to worry about the examples!

For those curious sexual is french for sexual. This will/won't be an adult group, can be whichever you want!
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[08 Apr 2013|03:12pm]
Christopher Paul Colfer, you are courteously requested to get your ass over to [info]sexuel! Me, Chord and Darren are all waiting on you! Other members of the Glee family and maybe some more members of 1D for our Liam?
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[08 Apr 2013|04:12pm]
Could I possibly, please, get a kinky Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham line in honour of the new NBC series? I'll play Lecter and there will be lots of BDSM-related shenanigans. Or failing that, Mads Mikkelsen/Hugh Dancy? Or even pb with these two, so long as it's smutty and Mads can dominate the fuck out of Hugh.

If there are no takers for that, any sort of slash line where I can play a dominant/older man against a younger/submissive one. Check my journal for ideas and faces. ♥
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X-posted :3 [08 Apr 2013|04:18pm]
So in the process of creating a new character for [info]cityoangels I realized there were a few line ideas running circles through my mind for my boy Perry here. I'd love it if someone would poke me with an idea of their own or even wanted to tweak something of mine or fill something of mine. It'd be great to see some fresh meat blood faces :3 to plot with.

Ideas I have: )

As for the newest muse, he is one of a twin set, who will be played by Josh Hartnett. So far what I have on him is that: 'His home life is unsatisfying...' (if you get that quote I love you). He wants to believe that partying is a job (I refuse to allow this, though I do not know if I can control that), I have yet to formulate an occupation (though I will be working on that today). He wears glasses, but I'll be honest in that I don't think there is an Rx in them at all. His heart is not one of gold, though it is not quite one of lead. He leans more toward men than he does toward women (sorry ladies). He's prone to headaches and nosebleeds, so I hope you aren't squeamish about blood... or are you? /wink :3 Ah, yes, and his name is Decan.

Comments here or at the OOC post for Perry are welcome :3
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[08 Apr 2013|05:36pm]
check it, please!
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[08 Apr 2013|07:16pm]
Looking for a gay guy to help Tag realize he's less straight than he's always believed. Check the journal or comment for more info.
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[08 Apr 2013|07:57pm]
does anyone play sebastian roché/would anyone be willing to try him out? i will make you icons and give you a join code!
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[08 Apr 2013|07:59pm]
[info]mightymouse; Alex Pettyfer, Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello and Matthew McConaughey.

I'd love to have each of them within the mentioned game, but if a PSL is what you are after, I'm game for that too.
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[08 Apr 2013|08:07pm]
take me home tonight.
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[08 Apr 2013|08:08pm]
Got home early from classes and would love someone to be a cock sleeve for one of my men. List of men is fairly diverse so i'm sure there's someone on here you might wanna play: Dylan O Brian, Zac Efron, Kit Harrington, Drake, Trey Songz, Michael Fassbender, Ian Somerhalder, Zac Efron Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Brad Pitt, Charlie Hunnan, Idris Elba, Daniel Craig, Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, JGL, Both Hemsworth brothers, Jared Padalecki, Adam Von Rothfelder, Henry Cavil, Christian Bale, Milo Ventimiglia, Matt Bomer. I'm sure there are more...Pb > celeb but will do celeb if need be. I love cunt boys but not everyones cup of tea. Hit me up on aim (frenchloafofbread) or customs.
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[08 Apr 2013|08:10pm]
home or psl?
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[08 Apr 2013|08:13pm]
[info]sexuelBrad, Adam. Sexy men and ladies too.
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[08 Apr 2013|08:33pm]
Seeking a Matt Daehler :( Danny Mahealani for a Teen Wolf GPSL. There is major plot and I promise Danny will have a big part in it!
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