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[29 Nov 2012|02:46am]
I haven't had much luck with finding this pairing so far, but there's no use in trying. So, does anyone out there play matthew hitt and would want a psl against a miles garber? Pb preferred, but celeb is definitely an option. I was thinking a more dramatic line, but would love to brainstorm different ideas with someone.
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Screened for Privacy [29 Nov 2012|11:27am]
[info]maskofstarsSomething slash for Chandler.

I'm looking for someone for Chandler in a community that allows celeb and PB. It offers something for everyone with very little limitations. They are friendly and open minded.

I am open to celeb or a pb. Chandler prefers older men but that is open.

Offer me something.
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[29 Nov 2012|12:39pm]
Definitely a long shot here, but does anyone play or want to play Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead against an original character in a brutal, violent and somehow comforting slash line? Mostly thread based.

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[29 Nov 2012|03:58pm]
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[29 Nov 2012|05:38pm]
can I get something for jared leto?
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[29 Nov 2012|06:49pm]
I am bored out of my mind. Check the journal!
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[29 Nov 2012|09:40pm]
trying again. lines? I have two vague ideas for lines.
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[ viewing | November 29th, 2012 ]
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