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[12 Sep 2012|12:07am]
would anyone play darren against chris?
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[12 Sep 2012|05:34am]
[info]wichitafalls chris hemsworth for a line
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[12 Sep 2012|12:36pm]
something for my ianto jones? the original line he was set as an AU but, open to playing him as the original or something else (like a PB).
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[12 Sep 2012|06:17pm]
Celeb and AIM.... Odd pairings are good.

Would love to find an M Shadows again :/
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[12 Sep 2012|06:55pm]
would anyone pb andrew scott against ben whishaw?
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[12 Sep 2012|07:55pm]
This might sound like a strang request but could I get a Sirius Black for my Albus Potter. How that happens can be plotted out from Albus "freeing" him from the arch to Albus going back in time.

Gdoc or AIM would be prefered.
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[12 Sep 2012|08:35pm]
in search of a matt.
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Teen Wolf [12 Sep 2012|09:00pm]
Sterek, por favor? I'm willing to play either guy.

I'd also like to try Derek against Jackson.
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[12 Sep 2012|09:21pm]
I am hankering... no, desiring... no, STARVING for a school aged or very soon after hogwarts aged Remus/Sirius line. I haven't had one in quite some time, and the last one or two I was involved with fizzled out like so many lot dreams. *Big dramatic, wispy, soap opera sigh* I would, as it certainly seems with this journal, love to play Remus as I've had more practice with him as a character, but I wouldn't mind playing Sirius if someone is very much into playing Remus. I don't play (nor do I like to play against) a Remus who is a delicate flower or anything like that. I like switch lines, and I like line equality.

I would LOVE to start this perhaps with a big blow up confrontation where Remus basically flat out tells Sirius that no, he can't jerk Remus around anymore and treat him like all the other people he fools around with and yes, snogging while Sirius is drunk or when someone stands him up is nice, but acting like it never happened will stop. I imagine something like Sirius crawling into bed with Remus late at night or if something goes wrong, etc, leaning heavily on him for emotional support, but nothing physical past making out and that sort of thing. I can see Remus finally snapping and getting tired of it all and kind of bursting out with an "all or nothing" sort of ultimatum.

I'm good with other ideas, obviously, it's just what I see as a good starting point for them in any sort of relationship sense. I also play other things and fandom, so it never hurts to throw anything at me. I'll screen this so you can post your aim names here if you'd like, or message me privately. I do threading, email, and aim playing, but I've had bad luck with aim, so it' my last choice for playing. I do love aim for plotting, however. thanks!
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