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[12 Jun 2012|12:30am]
anything for aaron paul?
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[12 Jun 2012|01:09am]
I'm in a Benedict Cumberbatch kind of mood. Anyone want a line with him maybe for a comm or a PSL?

PB or celeb. I don't mind.

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x-posted. Sorry!
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[12 Jun 2012|02:27am]
Looking for an archangel vs. archangel line. A sort of Michael vs. Gabriel type thing. Both angels having a dark warped idea of how things should be within the human world and as a result they've been thrown to the earth and birthed into human bodies. Both would have the capability to realize their powers and wings. Both love one another but cannot get past their belief being the proper one.

I'd like for this to be a long term thing and it has a great potential for a group psl. Also, if there is a comm out there with a comparable theme please let me know.
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[12 Jun 2012|02:28am]
would anyone want a line with sharon needles?
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[12 Jun 2012|03:58am]
Could I get some kind of Fallout: New Vegas line? I'm replaying the game and I've got a bunch of ideas and locations I'd like to explore. I'd like to play a female so I'm open for either a het or femme line (but if anyone is really interested I'll definitely take slash, too). I'd love to find someone to play a character based loosely on Red Lucy, but that's just one of any number of ideas. If anyone plays any canon characters besides The Courier (Arcade, Alexander, Boone, Hardin, Ramos, etc) I'd love to hear from you, but originals are awesome, too!
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[12 Jun 2012|03:37pm]
going out on a limb here, but could i get a derek hale for my stiles? willing to consider cross fandom as well or even an oc
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[12 Jun 2012|05:24pm]
[info]marvelstudios new gpsl based on Marvel movies, more info in the mod journal. Looking for a line for him, open to slash or het. Friendship lines are good too. Would especially like to see Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst and James Franco.
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[12 Jun 2012|08:14pm]
I'm looking to write Matt with Simon and their kids, the whole bicoastal/travel/relationship deal. There's more info in my journal.
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[12 Jun 2012|08:50pm]
more gay and lesbian heroes to [info]warzone so jp's not alone, though he's used to it by now. so karma, rictor, greymalkin, hulkling, lucy in the sky, etc. also multiple man for something fun -- yeah i know he's not gay but at least one of his dupes is!
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[12 Jun 2012|09:15pm]
would anyone play joey richter or another starkid against darren?
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