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[10 Oct 2011|01:35am]
does anyone want something against johnny weir?
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Line for Kellan [10 Oct 2011|01:59am]
Looking for someone who would play another celeb against my Kellan Lutz. I'd love for the other person to be forceful and dominating against Kellan. That's something I don't get to see to much, and I'm open to just about anyone that you might think would work for the role. Just drop me a message and let me know.

Thanks for taking the time to read my request.
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[10 Oct 2011|05:03am]
PSL for the eve? Het or Femme only.

Comment here, we'll discuss through a custom.
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[10 Oct 2011|05:41am]
would anyone be up for writing a historical slash line set in the times of alexander? in the sl alexander would have a harem, and unbeknownst to him one of the eunuchs would get into a sexual relationship with one of his soldiers behind closed doors. i would be playing the eunuch. i'm looking for someone to play the soldier and i'm open to most faces. the line would be fairly smut heavy, but i don't want it entirely centered around that. aim preferred, but i'm willing to thread this.
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so theres too many flakes [10 Oct 2011|06:49am]
something active for frank
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long shot [10 Oct 2011|11:18am]
would anyone or does anyone play brad pitt or tom cruise slash?
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[10 Oct 2011|12:17pm]

WTF is in IOWA?
WTF is in IOWA?



Cast List
Drop Box

What Does Iowa Have For You?

Newbie Friendly
Writing Prompts
Plot Movers
Silly Mods
Full Ownership of YOUR Character!
What does Full Character Ownership mean?
Full rights to create Major Plots without having to ask first because ALL comm plots will be optional
No Pregnancy Caps
No Rating Caps
All RP Styles Welcome
Comm Secret Posts
Positive Awards (Never Negative)
Random & Lyric Comm
The Chance to just have some ALL OUT Silly Funs!
New Creative Writing Game
Where Your Imagination Can Be Completely Unleashed

WTF IS IN IOWA is a Pan-Lore, Original Character, Supernatural Role Play Game. Ever wish supernatural games didn't have so many rules that get so complicated you just can't keep up or maybe even understand? This is the game for you. Do you ever wish Mods would quit policing your activity as if you have no real life outside of RP? This is the game for you. Want to play a species that just doesn't seem to fit the usual guidelines? This is the game for you.

So Why Iowa? WTF IS IN IOWA anyway? No one ever thinks anything is out there actually. They'd be so wrong. It's exactly that thought that has brought so much of the supernatural population there to take refuge and try to live normal lives making Iowa the least boring place in the United States. You want zombie cows to exist? Well, oh yes they can. Your farmland just might be crawling with them.

WTF IS IN IOWA is based around the area of Des Moines, Iowa and it's surrounding communities. There's a metropolitan area and TONS & TONS of vast rural areas and farmland. So, how you dictate your chars' life is up to you. Be city folk, be farm folk or anything in between. Your chars can work or own real life places or make up your own businesses.

The main thing to remember is this is a players game. Your lore is your own. Your story lines are your own. Don't enjoy someone else's? Don't read 'em. That's what ratings and warnings are for. This is about just having a rootin tootin good time with wherever your creative writing wants to take you and having lots of fun doing it. That's why zombie cows can exist if you really want them to. (Psst. I've actually heard Iowa is crawling with them.)


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[10 Oct 2011|07:10pm]
Surely there must be someone left in the big wide world of rp who plays James Hart or Brandan Schieppati! where are you? you are wanted for a slash line.
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[10 Oct 2011|07:58pm]
something for sauli
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[10 Oct 2011|08:14pm]
Anyone slash joe jonas, ryan ross, taylor hanson or brendon urie?
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[10 Oct 2011|09:15pm]
Searching for one or two lines to keep me entertained. Check out the journal, and leave a comment if you think our writing styles would mesh!
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[10 Oct 2011|10:26pm]
Looking for a line or two with this guy. Originally he was meant to be in a twincest line, but if you're not into that, that part can easily be dropped. If that's not your thing, I would like to have a line where my guy is slightly co-dependent on yours (though I'm not talking about him being a sissy bottom, unless that's something we decide we'd like to have in the line).
Comments are screened, since some of the line might be a bit taboo for some people.
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[10 Oct 2011|10:49pm]
I want to play an Asian guy..Is there anyone that needs one?
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[10 Oct 2011|10:51pm]
[info]xevolution anyone interested in working out a slash line with bobby here?
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