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[29 Jul 2011|12:31am]
Looking for dirty, kinky celeb PSLs! Check the journal for who I play and want to play against. (PS...would really love something against Jimmy Kimmel or Jason Sudeikis.)
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[29 Jul 2011|10:04am]
Looking for superhero slash! Marvel cliche and non-cliche pairings are equally loved. Cosmic beings, Asgardians, and Cap to the front of the line. Open to some o/c if they fit in the MU.
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[29 Jul 2011|10:51am]
Would anyone be interested in joining me at [info]sensually for weirdly what I hope to be a committed (somewhat open) relationship with my Jake Gyllenhaal? Joe Jonas preferred but I will be open to others. I'd love someone interested in some of the same sexual things Jake is (see journal) he would also like me to add he wants someone who will play with his chest hair. I am open to playing a little before you join just to make sure we click if you'd like. Hit me up!
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[29 Jul 2011|11:19am]
slash psl preferred, but open to communities. dirt and fluff, but no flakers.
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[29 Jul 2011|02:42pm]
So I watched Captain America last night. And now I realllly want Steve/Bucky or Chris/Sebastian like woah.

Any takers?
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[29 Jul 2011|05:42pm]
Something for an aging punk who's starting to realize he's not as big and bad as he used to be. I'd love someone his own age, but I'm flexible about faces. I wouldn't mind looking into community lines either.
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[29 Jul 2011|09:05pm]
[info]javalounge Adds are nightly. Slash friendly. Looking for Jared's co-stars, friends and everyone.
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[29 Jul 2011|09:52pm]
Hello! I'm desperately seeking a school aged Remus/Sirius line put somewhere in 6th or 7th year. I rather like the idea of Sirius toying around with Remus only when he'd been drinking, keeping it to cuddling and kissing... not much else really, until Remus snaps one day and gives him the ultimatum of either being with him, or just being friends, drinking or no. I'm not fussed about which side I play, though I'm obviously partial to Remus.

 Obviously I want to get with the other player to flesh out more specific ideas about our line, but with this sort of basic backbone to it, if possible. I'm not rigid on this, and am very welcoming to any and all ideas on the line. I prefer Email first, then threading or IM based writing. One-liner writing isn't my style, and all I've had within the past year were flakes. It's driven me to not even trying anymore at all, but I'm willing to try again. It's just like being stood up on your third date or something, haha, when you're left with no word or warning about 10 posts in. I'm a big girl (23, people) If you don't like the line, how I write, or how things are playing out, tell me. I'm fine with that! we can fix it and move on, or end the line nicely.

I love to write, and I haven't been doing a lot of it lately and it's killing me slowly inside, heh. I like an equal balance of fluff and smut, and especially with the animalistic natures of Remus, as a werewolf, and Sirius, as a dog animagus, some darker themed stuff is definitely not out of the question. I am also up for other lines, though I'd really like to get this one filled as it is my heart <3 haha

Respond here, or shoot me a private message for my AIM, I'm home nearly all of the time, and if I'm not, my email goes to my phone. It's really sad how connected in I am to everything.

I hope to hear from you! And thanks in advance for your consideration of me and my line ideas (:
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