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[21 Jun 2010|01:13am]
Check the journal, please~
I have a few lines I'd like filled. I'm open for ideas.

I'd like a good slash line, too. I have ideas.

AIM is private so I'll have to add you.
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[21 Jun 2010|01:17am]
[info]campus lines for my neil haskell pb.
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[21 Jun 2010|01:25am]
I've opened up my storylines again. Check the journal and leave a comment if you're interested! I'm generally looking for het or slash lines and I tend to stay away from conventional pbs/mannerisms. I prefer to play the female in a het line but prove you've got a badass chick and we'll talk.
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[21 Jun 2010|01:47am]
I'm looking for a kind of strange PSL, so bear with me. I'd love to do something over AIM, as I really don't have the time to keep up with threading and keeping up with AIM is much easier for me with my schedule being what it is. I assure you, the quality doesn't suffer for it, it's just easier for me to be efficient and set aside time for it.

The PSL idea is as follows (of course, open to any tweaking to the line that you might want):

It would be a celeb AU slash line. )

If this interests you, please contact me with your AIM name in the screened comments and I'll get back to you when I can! Thank you, in advance.
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[21 Jun 2010|10:21am]
I would really love a line with a Chris Evans because I am obsessed with this pairing. I would also go for someone tiny and cute and completely opposite of him in every way. Maybe his pool boy? ;]
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[info]starzmod [21 Jun 2010|10:27am]
[info]starzmod Has had a make over and we want you to challenge us to be our best. We Challenge YOU to bring your homeless journals and any sl you can throw at us and help us shake things up.

Adds will be done nightly.
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[21 Jun 2010|11:40am]
Looking for a Josh Beech, or Alex Dunstin, or similar model type for a specific sl for a comm. If interested please comment here.
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[21 Jun 2010|11:52am]
I doubt I'll find this but I'm gonna try anyway. Would anyone play a Zac Efron PB with this look and this look (mustache, slighty hairy chest and treasure trail) as a high school jock who is very in the closet and bullies a less popular somewhat geeky gay kid (pb: Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas, Davie Henrie, we can discuss) but when jock is failing biology it's up to geeky kid to tutor him and they end up studying more than high school anatomy (more like each others). This line would be very smutty and could have some fetish thrown in there as well, it also can have it's dramatic and fluffy moments. If interested hit me up with an AIM SN, sorry I don't do threading. Feel free to PM.
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[21 Jun 2010|11:53am]
I held this guy at [info]heroish. Anyone interested in coming with?
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Supernatural University RPG [21 Jun 2010|12:19pm]
Game Open Since May 21st

More than just a university...

There's a supernatural world out there that some people just refuse to accept. So they segregate them, banish them to their own schools, churches, restaurants... But just like humans, they need an education.

Alden University accepts supernatural students of all kinds. And even though supernaturals aren't accepted in human schools, humans are accepted at Alden. Even at a discounted price. It is the hope of Alden's dean, Henry Alden, that co-mingling will bring about a brighter future.

But for now, students are thriving at Alden University. Are you brave enough to join them?

We have serious wish lists for Elves, Centaurs, Giants, Satyrs, Humans, Faculty, Sirens, and Werewolves!
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[21 Jun 2010|12:27pm]
I am looking for something long term. I am committed to writing something substantial and meaningful. (Read: I don’t write just for smut, but if it’s there with purpose, I am more than willing to explore.)

I’d like to play a Southern character, in his later 20s, who has lived in the deep South his entire life – same town, same family, same friends, same bar. (I’m thinking of the True Blood lore and the nature of many of the characters within, minus the vampires.) He did not go to college, is quiet and thoughtful but not necessarily an eloquent speaker. Clever but understated. He works in a hardware store. Disgruntled, but less than angry. Unaware of how to get out of his situation and escape his little town. By no means a Southern cliché, except for his adherence to the Horatio Alger myth and his half-hearted faith in the American dream.

Now enters your character. I have a number of ideas. )

If any of this sounds interesting, or if you have any other ideas, leave a comment!
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[21 Jun 2010|04:15pm]
[info]bbc1, a slash line for Ben? Looking for writers that enjoy scenes over private threads, customs, mix tapes, aim for chatting, all that fun stuff. Would love a William Moseley, but anyone that fits the comm would be great.
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[21 Jun 2010|04:46pm]
i'd love to get the lines in this journal!
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[21 Jun 2010|04:53pm]
pb or celeb line for adam lambert.
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[21 Jun 2010|07:35pm]
[info]rogerebert I would sell my soul for Cedric Bixler Zavala, Diego Luna, or Devendra Banhart for a slash line, just saying.
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[21 Jun 2010|07:41pm]
Maybe a long shot, but I'm gonna try anyway! Would anyone be interested in this kid? Celeb, and preferably with the option of taking them to a game if we end up clicking. I'm aware he's young, but I don't really have a preference as to who he's paired with.
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[21 Jun 2010|09:45pm]
Something for Nick Jonas?
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[21 Jun 2010|09:56pm]
Would anyone be interested in playing Jon Groff against Zachary Quinto?
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[21 Jun 2010|11:02pm]
Can I get an older man for the character in this journal?
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To Boldly Slash... [21 Jun 2010|11:03pm]
I've been hoping for a good Star Trek PSL for some time now, and I would like a Captain Kirk for my Bones or my Mr. Spock. I'd prefer to play Spock, but I'd love to play either. It can be platonic or non-platonic, and ideally there would actually be some plot, but I'm fine with something light, as well. And i'd also be alright with playing Spock against an Uhura, though it's not my preference.

If you want a line with plot, I'm particularly interested in exploring the reconstruction of Vulcan, the situation with Kirk and Tarsus IV in the Star Trek XI alternate history, or any part of their five-year mission, really. I'd be more than happy to hear any other ideas.

Comment here or send me a PM if you're interested.
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[21 Jun 2010|11:13pm]
Bad day, need to write ): Any takers? Leave your AIM or a comment, they will be screened.
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