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[14 Apr 2010|12:20am]
Opening Thursday!
• We would love more humans and to fill the rest of the angels!
• Especially interested in filling The Faithful.
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[14 Apr 2010|01:24am]
I'm really just looking to fill pb slash lines and a very select few celeb lines. (Very select, I only celeb Brendon Urie, Spencer Smith, and Adam Lazzara, though I might try someone else if you suggest it). Pb-wise I'm a lot more open. The only things I don't do are smut and ridiculously kinky things, haha. So if you're looking for a new line, feel free to run it by me! :D
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Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter Game on Inksome [14 Apr 2010|01:21pm]
SALEM ACADEMYModsPremiseInfoRules

What are your thoughts on Lux Arcana?

Why should we be taking these stupid emails seriously? They're emails, for f---'s sake, and some anonymous hero trying to enlighten the masses doesn't exactly inspire trust. Obviously the authorities aren't telling us everything, it's not really a revelation worthy of the shock and awe it's received.

--Misha McKenna

It's time things started coming to light at Salem Academy.

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[14 Apr 2010|02:58pm]
[info]psychward nom nom nom. older men to abuse charly~ & other male patients that he has relations with.
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[14 Apr 2010|02:59pm]
[info]paradisomods A straight and/or closet case for him to have fun with. He's got a thing older men but wouldn't turn down a younger one.
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[14 Apr 2010|05:48pm]
Looking for some new slash lines. Check the journal for who I play
You can find me on AIM at AmyL1788
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[14 Apr 2010|07:56pm]
House me?
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[14 Apr 2010|08:22pm]
[info]psychward How about some more lines for this boy? I'd love to get boys in there who can hold their own against him. Maybe people he gets into fights with and then they make up more then two seconds later? I really just want something for him, pbs are totally open to you.

or I'd take a psl.
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[14 Apr 2010|09:31pm]
any of the line themes in my journal or lines for any of the faces.
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