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[01 Mar 2010|01:39am]
does anyone play ed westwick or chuck bass?
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[01 Mar 2010|02:28am]
I'm looking to fill a dark line or two. details )

Faces I play right now: Isaiah Garnica, Alex Evans, Robbie Wage, Luke Pasqualino
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Searching for a few good writers... [01 Mar 2010|04:53am]
After much thought, I'm reopening a group PSL but we need a few more writers to join us. My hope is to eventually have a strong core of players before opening it up as a full-fledged RPG.

The Details )
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[01 Mar 2010|07:25am]
[info]youarehere A secret boyfriend?
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[01 Mar 2010|12:36pm]
is anyone interested in a mormon corruption line? :3
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yo! [01 Mar 2010|03:17pm]
just cleaned up the journal, i've got some new boys that need some lovin' ;D
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[01 Mar 2010|03:48pm]
Mark Salling? ):
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[01 Mar 2010|04:10pm]
would anyone be interested in playing an older man against joe jonas? alternately, psl or comm lines for him, nick jonas, zac efron, or david henrie would be great. pb only.
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[01 Mar 2010|06:39pm]
[info]animators Looking for someone to be wooed by an overly verbose interior designer. PB is open, and cartoon premade is open, I'd love to brainstorm.
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[01 Mar 2010|07:48pm]
I am looking for a roomie over at [info]gaw_mods, which is a femslash Harry Potter game set in Australia. The roommate's last name is Backler, as stated in the premade, and she is the prefect of their year. I am hoping for my girl, Reagan here, and her roommate to perhaps be having sort of fling type of relationship going on.

Interested? Comment here or see my character's profile for email and/or AIM.
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[01 Mar 2010|08:50pm]
anyone want a psl? my demand list im me there!
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[01 Mar 2010|09:07pm]
looking for someone for a slash line. not too picky about pbs. the line i had in mind is, two guys in college in a relationship, one is out and pride, the other wants to keep it all a secret, too scared to come out to his team/friends and family. looking for someone who want to scene over aim, maybe also keep journals for them and have them chat to each other over im ic.

also looking for another relationship line, two guys being married and either trying to have kids trough adoption or surrogate, or they already have one or two. we could add some drama too it, to keep it more action filled. maybe one of them is very jealous, or one has a family who really dislike them being guy or dislike the other's husband. but i'm looking for someone who won't vanish, who want to here too scene over aim and who would like a romantic and maybe smutty line. not too picky about pbs here either, someone over 25+ though.
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[01 Mar 2010|10:09pm]
[info]vjuice a slash line maybe joseph gordon-levitt or isaiah garnica there is a line in my journal i'd like filled
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[01 Mar 2010|10:41pm]
I'll admit to it now, it's odd, but the movie inspired a need;

Meet Otto, he isn't exactly your typical boy, in fact, he's the walking dead. Funny thing is, Otto can still talk and understand what's going on, though his memories of living are blurred. Recently deceased, and now recently risen, he's roaming trying to make sense of the world in this new confusing light.

Roughly based off the film Otto; Up With Dead People, but not completely. I'm opting to take him on in my own light, and I feel it could be very fun and interesting. I'm game for basically any sort of intriguing line and would love to brainstorm something up with you.

I like to write, so I prefer threading or email. Contact me via this post, PM, or the contact post in the journal.
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