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[08 Jan 2010|03:28am]
Hey there. I am on a serious smallville kick and would love a slash line with Oliver Queen and Clark Kent! I'd also be up for Oliver/Lois and last but not least a Lois/Clark line. I'm open to story lines, and who I'd play, though I'd like it to be somewhat close to the series. Also I'm a threading type of gal, but you could reach me on inkstainedlife to discuss details.

Storylines Here:
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livejournal commnity. [08 Jan 2010|06:34am]
can i get a benji madden, tom kaulitz, a robert downey jr, or jason behr @ Hellbrook? Other characters are welcome to join (male or female) so check it out if you like the prison scene :)
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[08 Jan 2010|09:28am]
So, I've been watching a ton of Food Network and Travel Channel shows lately, most notably Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern and A Cook's Tour with Anthony Bourdain. I should also let it be known that I have a thing for older guys, especially older guys with drug-and-booze soaked pasts who also happen to have a healthy appreciation for good punk rock. So, Anthony Bourdain is my new hardcore chef hero.

Because of that, I thought it would be really cool if I could do a PSL between a chef and a food critic who grow from being worst enemies, to inspiring and balancing each other. You know, older, cranky, genius chef who values staying true to the culture of the food versus young, very haute cuisine sort of critic, the sort who appeals to younger generations with his good looks and pithy sarcasm and who thinks that Antoine CarĂªme is the pinnacle of cooking prowess. It would involve a series of scenes of the chef trying to one-up and disgust the critic with increasingly interesting and obscure dishes, and the critic being determined to find the bad points in everything out of a sense of pride (because everyone knows that the bad reviews sell).

Don't care what sort of PB is used for the critic, but I would like to use - you guessed it - Anthony Bourdain. Won't be celeb though. Writing samples in my journal, threading or email only, please. If you're going to bail, don't bother.
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[08 Jan 2010|10:55am]
[info]bespelled. I would absolutely love a darker line for this boy. Idea under cut! )
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[08 Jan 2010|11:26am]
[info]prioreu. More superiore and inferiore alike. I would particularly like superiore that use Emmett for general requests and a very close male inferiore friend with whom Emmett occasionally fools around.
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[08 Jan 2010|05:20pm]
thinking of taking mark salling to [info]rogerebert. would anyone go with?
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Panfandom game, opening Monday! [08 Jan 2010|06:08pm]
Enter This Deserted House
But please walk softly as you do.
Frogs dwell here and crickets too.

Ain't no ceiling, only blue.
Jays dwell here and sunbeams too.

Floors are flowers - take a few
Ferns grow here and daisies too.

Swoosh, whoosh - too-whit, too-woo
Bats dwell here and hoot owls too.

Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee, hoo-hoooo,
Gnomes dwell here and goblins too.

And my child, I thought you knew
I dwell here...and so do you
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[08 Jan 2010|09:26pm]
i'm looking for a good slash pb PSL. we can work out a storyline together. pb's do not matter but you can check my journal to see who i normally play, though i am willing to play just about anyone.
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[08 Jan 2010|11:20pm]
Anyone up for a line with Gerard at a psl group? conventional or unconventional, I'm not picky as long as the chemistry is there!
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