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[21 Dec 2009|12:26am]
now that i've spent two hours fixing up this journal/writing storylines :)

I'm hoping to get some sls filled! All of my pb faces are in my icons, but I'm also looking for a Sirius against my Remus, a Axel against my Roxas, or a Jon Walker against my Spencer Smith. I have a lot of ideas and I'm definitely in a writing mood.

Comment my journal if you're interested!
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[21 Dec 2009|12:51am]
I know Trek has lost it's shiny and no one really cares but is there anyone who'd be interested in playing a Spock against my Kirk? Preferrably one who doesn't die or won't flake and is willing to contribute to plotting.
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[21 Dec 2009|01:01am]
Any chance I get a Colin for a pb, psl line? I have a few ideas in mind, but I'd love something based off of Shakespearean plays- like modern day with gender bending to make it slash.
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[21 Dec 2009|02:08am]
Homes/PSLs for anyone in the icons? I'll only consider a home if I'm given lines to fill.
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[21 Dec 2009|04:36am]
I'm taking this Kris Allen pb to [info]restauranteur (hopefully) Anyone here thinking of joining? I'm looking for sl's of any shape or form. There's a ton of info at his journal, but in brief he's a bisexual busboy at the restaurant, also a student at NYU who wants to be a teacher and he grew up an army brat with a massive family.

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[21 Dec 2009|07:39am]
can I get soemthing for my pete?
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[21 Dec 2009|09:42am]
Looking for a celeb slash private story line for my Jared Leto. Could be someone within 30 Seconds To Mars, a former co-star, some other person he knows, or someone completely random. I don't mind unconventional pairings. Comment here or at the journal if interested.
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[21 Dec 2009|09:44am]
This is old hat, I know, but does (or would) anyone play either Marcus Wright or Kyle Reese? Set in the actual Terminator Salvation verse but with an alternate ending? I can play either, I'm not picky.
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[21 Dec 2009|10:09am]
does anyone play noel fielding?
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[21 Dec 2009|01:08pm]
Wanted: a Hannibal Lecter (PB: Gaspard Ulliel) for my sociopathic murdering cannibal OC, in a LJ community. Hit me up for more details at undo constantine
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[21 Dec 2009|05:41pm]
any adam's willing to do a psl?
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x-posted [21 Dec 2009|08:49pm]
[info]superiore finally got a ok un for him. while i finish his bio, can i get a roommate and a secret lover who happens to be a repressed dominant inferiore?
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[21 Dec 2009|11:40pm]
check the journal or im me my demand list
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[21 Dec 2009|11:56pm]

Liberty City is a PB community based in the fictional city of, you guessed it, Liberty City. Inspired by Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto IV, Liberty City provides a dynamic setting in which your character can become anything. From a Russian mafia Kingpin to the hot dog vendor on the street corner everyone has their place. Crime runs rampant and for some it's a struggle to get by. The politics are dirty and the celebutantes are as spoiled as the tabloids make them out to be.

"I'm in Liberty City, and I'm out of control"

Rules | Application | Mod Journal | Taken/Held |Premades | Premise | Dropbox |

Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide
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