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[14 Aug 2009|01:15am]
Would anyone be willing to go into a faux celeb comm? I have two kiddos who need lines, both very different (one would need an older pb that's 30+) from one another. Please no flakers :(
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[14 Aug 2009|08:28am]
i will help you with research and icons if anyone is willing to pick up jonny greenwood in a psl.
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[14 Aug 2009|10:56am]
Original characters! Get your asses to [info]gossipgay.
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[14 Aug 2009|12:52pm]
[info]thesunshine friends, late night chat buddies, romantic hookups (though I don't like planning those in advance, I'd rather wait and see if our boys have a natural affinity for each other) enemies, anything at all. Fun little community with lots of slashy boys, but more are always welcome!
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[14 Aug 2009|01:05pm]
originals waned for [info]gossipgay!
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[14 Aug 2009|01:14pm]
looking for someone for a line at [info]firstyear. comment or pm for more info! would love to get someone who is willing to scene via thread (for sure) and aim (if you like).
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[14 Aug 2009|02:05pm]
would love a david cook or a matt giraud for a psl
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[14 Aug 2009|02:14pm]
adds in three apps.

In need of a Lady GaGa PB.
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[14 Aug 2009|03:29pm]
I'd love to get someone to [info]mannahatta as the person who got him into drugs in the first place. They'd have some kind of on again off again involvement.
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The Giver [14 Aug 2009|11:33pm]
Has anyone read Lois Lowry's the Giver? My idea for the SL is that two "Receivers of Memory" (though both in their mid-20's, early 30's) (Jonas in the book) from two separate societies meet with the understanding that they're the only people in the world who can feel emotions and feel love. Anyone up for it?
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[ viewing | August 14th, 2009 ]
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