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[09 Jan 2009|12:27am]
I'd like some storylines for this guy at [info]stiffer. Anybody willing to work some out?
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[09 Jan 2009|03:00am]
Why are celeb femme lines so hard to find? Het is fine too, and I would *really* like to put this in a comm.

Something sorta domestic, preferably, that doesn't focus entirely around omgangstydramas~. Hit me up via push mariah if you're interested, please? :D
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[09 Jan 2009|11:33am]
I'm thinking of making a slash game but maybe something a little different so which idea below would you rather see created?

1. A supernatural (not the show) based slash game.

2. A fairy tale based slash game.

3. OR would you rather just have another gay bar game?
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[09 Jan 2009|01:05pm]
Can I get a line? Something where the person actually wants to play and isn't gonna flake out on me. I am getting sick of planning out stuff and then having it never go anywhere or IMing people all the time to never even play. There are not a lot of ideas in my journal but I am open to brainstorming or any ideas you may have and smut is fine, I just want something before I go insane with boredom.
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[09 Jan 2009|07:28pm]
Femme lines for this girl at [info]archival?
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[09 Jan 2009|07:49pm]
[info]stiffer adds tonight!
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[09 Jan 2009|10:49pm]
Taking him to [info]stiffer and would love to get some lines set up for him. I'm not apposed to filling lines if they catch my interest as well.
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XD [09 Jan 2009|11:56pm]
I'm sure some of you are thinking "Oh, god, that one again?"

Yeah, it's me again.

Just looking for lines. Always up to storyline suggestions, and I can do everything from 'real life' to the deepest, darkest thread you've ever been able to come up with. I'm versatile like that. However, I do have my stipulations - just know I'm not judgemental when it comes to your PBs as long as you're not judgemental to mine ^.~v

I also have one of the shortest 'squick' lists known to man, which could be a good or bad thing, depending upon how you look at it? I don't do fade to black, and yes, I am of age to be writing 'such filth', so you damned well better be too!

Finally, I am not going to run out on you in the middle of a SL. If I don't like something, I'll let you know so we can discuss, fix, or move on to brighter pastures. Oh, yeah, and did I mention? I am long winded, for serious.
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