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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 60 most recent ones recorded in Slash Heaven's InsaneJournal:

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    Saturday, August 5th, 2006
    5:40 pm
    SS/HP, The Anniversary, G

    Original poster: alisanne

    Title: The Anniversary
    Author: [info]alisanne
    Word Count: 100
    Rating: G
    Aummary: Written for the [info]snarry100 community's weekly challenge: #17 Through Other People's Eyes
    Warning(s): none.
    A/N: I hope this one makes sense...
    Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

    The Anniversary

    Current Mood: busy

    7:23 am
    Fic: The Cursebreaker's Apprentice (BW/NL, NC-17)

    Original poster: gauriel

    Title: The Cursebreaker’s Apprentice
    Author: [info]gauriel
    Pairing: BW/NL
    Rating: NC-17 (OMG!)
    Length: 2747 words
    Warnings: Yummy Billville smut abounds!
    Disclaimer: Not my playground, just having some fun. Everything you recognize belongs to JKR, a book company, and some movie studios.
    Summary: Neville joins Bill for a day of cursebreaking, and much more besides. A gift fic for [info]eeyore9990 who gave me the prompt ‘Chinese takeout’. Which this isn’t really about, but it’s in the fic somewhere. Happy Birthday Eey!
    A/N: Thank you [info]snapesgirl and [info]alisanne for the beta. **hugs you both**

    ( The Cursebreaker's Apprentice )

    12:46 am
    SS/HP, Following Orders, R

    Original poster: alisanne

    Title: Following Orders
    Author: [info]alisanne
    Rating: R
    Summary: Written for [info]merlinsnape's birthday, August 1st. Her requested prompt: the sorta story where harry is secretly watching snape thinking he dosnt know hes there, then snape catches him, and you know the rest. I hope this meets the challenge, and happy birthday, hon! :)
    Genre: Erotica
    Warnings: Slash, wanking :)
    Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
    Beta: [info]sevfan

    Following Orders )

    Current Mood: amused

    12:14 am
    Morning Rituals

    Original poster: koshweasley

    Title: Morning Rituals

    Author: [info]koshweasley

    Word Count: 100

    Rating: G

    Summary: Written for the [info]snarry100 weekly challenge, prompt: #17 Through Other People's Eyes

    Warnings: Um, I can't think of any.

    Disclaimer: J.K.Rowling created these characters and she owns them all, not me.

    A/N: This is my very first Snarry. Did I do okay?

    Thanks to [info]evilauntiesnape for looking at this for me.

    Morning rituals

    Enter our Home Here )

    Friday, August 4th, 2006
    7:46 pm
    SS/HP, Family Resemblance, G

    Original poster: alisanne

    Title: Family Resemblance
    Author: [info]alisanne
    Word Count: 100
    Rating: G
    Summary: Written for the [info]snarry100 weekly challenge, this week's prompt: #17 Through Other People's Eyes
    Warning(s): None
    Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

    Family Resemblance

    Current Mood: crazy

    9:10 pm
    Fic: When I Fall Apart, You are There for Me (HP/DM, NC-17)

    Original poster: gauriel

    Title: When I Fall Apart, You are There for Me
    Author: [info]gauriel
    Pairings: HP/DM
    Rating: NC-17
    Length: 2368 Words
    Disclaimer: Not my playground, just having some fun. Everything you recognize belongs to JKR, a book company, and some movie studios.
    Summary: Draco tries to pull Harry back from the brink of despair after the war.
    A/N: Thank you [info]eeyore9990 for the quick beta. I love you hon!

    ( When I Fall Apart, You are There for Me )

    Thursday, August 3rd, 2006
    2:45 pm
    Fic: Sweet Victory (HP/SS, HP/??, NC-17)

    Original poster: gauriel

    Title: Sweet Victory
    Author: [info]gauriel
    Pairing: HP/SS, HP/??
    Rating: NC-17
    Length: 2570 Words
    Warnings: Darkfic, Angst, Character Death
    Disclaimer: Not my playground, just having some fun. Everything you recognize belongs to JKR, a book company, and some movie studios.
    Summary: The infiltration of Voldemort’s spy deep into the Order threatens Harry and Severus’ future as well as that of the whole wizarding world. For my [info]100quills Harry/Severus Table 50.3 Prompt #009 – “Victory”.
    A/N: Thank you [info]nicholsa for your usual excellent beta’ing job, and [info]accioslash for reading it over.

    ( Sweet Victory )

    Tuesday, August 1st, 2006
    12:09 am
    Fic: The Best Birthday Present Ever (HP/SS, NC-17)

    Original poster: gauriel

    Title: The Best Birthday Present Ever
    Author: [info]gauriel
    Pairing: HP/SS
    Rating: NC-17
    Length: 1679 Words
    Warnings: PWP, Fluff, Implied Mpreg
    Disclaimer: Not my playground, just having some fun. Everything you recognize belongs to JKR, a book company, and some movie studios.
    Summary: Severus gives Harry his birthday present. Written for Harry’s 26th Birthday, and my [info]100quills Severus Table 100.1 #008 - Blessing
    A/N: Thank you [info]nicholsa for the incredibly quick beta. <3's you, as usual!

    ( The Best Birthday Present Ever )

    Monday, July 31st, 2006
    8:53 pm
    Fic: Changes, Harry/Lucius, NC-17

    Original poster: vlredreign

    Summary: The wizarding world is about to undergo serious changes. And so are Harry and Lucius

    Betas: [info]alisanne, [info]eeyore9990 and [info] Slashinistas, my critics, my loves.

    Warning: Ummm...the angst bunny bit while I was IM'ing with [info]knightmare_shad. She thought that it was a good idea, so I ran with it. Besides, nobody's happy all the time...oh yeah, plus serious hot sex, so you no 18, you no looky!!! Don't make me smack you.

    I didn't do it! It was the muse, I tell you!

    Current Mood: chipper

    8:19 pm
    HP/DM, Birthday Wishes, PG

    Original poster: alisanne

    Title: Birthday Wishes
    Author: [info]alisanne
    Rating: PG
    Summary: Harry has the perfect birthday. Written in honor of Harry Potter's birthday, July 31st.
    Genre: Romance.
    Warnings: Suggestion of Mpreg.
    Beta reader: [info]sevfan
    Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

    Birthday Wishes )

    Current Mood: cheerful

    7:44 pm
    Fic: Draco's Choice (HP/DM, NC-17)

    Original poster: gauriel

    Title: Draco’s Choice
    Author: [info]gauriel
    Pairing: HP/DM
    Rating: NC-17
    Length: 1791 Words
    Warnings: Dubcon, very rough sex, some violence, blunt object penetration, SM, PWP.
    Disclaimer: Not my playground, just having some fun. Everything you recognize belongs to JKR, a book company, and some movie studios.
    Summary: Harry saved Draco from Azkaban. But sometimes, Draco wishes he hadn’t.
    A/N: Thank you [info]nicholsa for the beta

    ( Draco's Choice )

    6:46 pm
    FIC: Endgame (Snape/Draco/Harry, NC-17)

    Original poster: celandineb

    Title: Endgame
    Authors: [info]celandineb and [info]cruisedirector
    Pairings: Snape/Draco/Harry
    Rating: NC-17
    Warning: Lots of plot. Not-really-kinky sex.
    Summary: Draco is never going to be free until he confronts Lucius. Eighteenth in the Admittance series. Sequel to "Spying." Also here.
    Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling invented Harry, Draco, Severus, and all the rest. What they get up to here is none of her doing and solely our responsibility.

    ( Endgame )


    1:31 am
    FIC: "Things Meant to be Said," Ron/Seamus, NC-17

    Original poster: wolfiekins

    Here's my response to [info]dream_wia_dream's Lumos Weekend prompt: 'things we meant to say'. Um, I sort of altered it a bit. Hope that's okay...

    Author: [info]wolfiekins
    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Characters: Ron, Seamus
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: Ron is having a rough go of it. He's angry with Harry, there's this thing with Charlie, and now Seamus. What's a young redhead to do? Sequel to BY DEFINITION.
    Genre: Angst, Erotica, Romance
    Warnings: Adult Language, Slash, Implied Incest
    Beta: [info]evilauntiesnape
    Word Count: 3778


    Current Mood: thirsty
    Current Music: GARY NUMAN Down In The Park

    4:50 pm
    SS/HP, Dégustation, R

    Original poster: alisanne

    Title: Dégustation
    Author: [info]alisanne
    Rating: R
    Pairing: SS/HP
    Summary: Sometimes, you can't wait for a slow seduction. Written for [info]irana's Seduction Challenge.
    Genre: Romance
    Warnings: Nothing angsty happens, so I suppose it's OOC.
    Beta reader: The wonderful [info]sevfan
    Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

    Dégustation )

    Current Mood: cheerful

    12:35 am
    SS/HP, His Gift, G

    Original poster: alisanne

    Title: His Gift
    Author: [info]alisanne
    Rating: G
    Word Count: 100
    Written for the [info]snape100 weekly challenge. Prompt: #136 Happy Birthday To You
    Summary: Harry will win. Severus makes sure of it.
    Genre: Gen
    Warnings: None
    Thanks to [info]eeyore9990 for looking this over for me. :)

    His Gift

    Current Mood: accomplished

    Sunday, July 30th, 2006
    10:01 pm
    HP/DM, Beating the Heat, R

    Original poster: alisanne

    Title: Beating the Heat
    Author: [info]alisanne
    Word Count: 100
    Rating: R
    Summary: Written for the [info]hd100 drabble community weekly challenge. Prompt: Ice
    Author's Notes: Um... sex?
    Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
    Beta reader: [info]sevfan

    Beating the Heat

    Current Mood: accomplished

    8:12 pm
    SS/HP, The Gift of Red, PG

    Original poster: alisanne

    Title: The Gift of Red
    Author: [info]alisanne
    Rating: PG
    Summary: My response to the [info]snape_potter July Challenge, Happy Birthday Harry, AND to my [info]100quills Severus table, prompt: Red.
    Genre: Romance.
    Warnings: OOC

    The Gift of Red )

    Current Mood: accomplished

    Saturday, July 29th, 2006
    7:10 am
    "Stand By Your Mactus" - Chapters 3 &

    Original poster: evilauntiesnape

    "Stand By Your Mactus"
    Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter, Original Male Character
    Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Erotica, Romance, Fluff
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Adult Language, Slash, Graphic Sex, Work In Progress
    Summary: Some things that happened during "The Order of the Phoenix" that you were not aware of.
    Spoilers: PS, CoS, PoA, GoF, OotP, Perhaps HBP

    Disclaimer: All characters (except Aidan Agrandir) property of JK Rowling.

    Expert and patient beta work by KoshWeasley and Wolfiekins

    Stand By Your Mactus - Chapter 3 )

    Stand By Your Mactus - Chapter 4 )

    Current Mood: Content
    Current Music: Saturday morning traffic

    2:28 pm
    Snarry100 drabbles

    Original poster: alisanne

    I forgot to post links to my [info]snarry100 drabbles this week, so here they are!

    The challenge this week was: Conversations With a Third (#16)

    First I wrote Breaking the News but it needed a sequel, so I followed it up with Some Things Are Universal

    Come read and then play! :)

    Current Mood: working

    Friday, July 28th, 2006
    10:41 pm
    Cranberry (Harry Potter, PG)

    Original poster: irisgirl12000

    Title: Cranberry
    Author: [info]irisgirl12000
    Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: Abuse of color clichés, interior decorating Draco, and irredeemable fluff, all wrapped up in a birthday gift for Harry.
    Disclaimer: These characters belong to J. K. Rowling, not me. And they're probably happy about that, after this little bit of goofiness.

    Cranberry )

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