September 4th, 2011

[info]composedby in [info]silverageooc

maybe new york ought to start doing something about its population...

This guy would.

Hello, friends! This is Liv (player of Cloud, Locke, Lee and Remus) with her fifth (and final for now? Jenni knows my history with these fancy "last character slots") character Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu from the 2008 Nintendo DS action RPG The World Ends With You by SquareENIX because I miss having the only character in a fandom! And it's an awesome game, let me tell you that, if a schizophrenic one.

Anyway, so I should probably tell you about Joshua. In canon, he appears to be about 15-years old (because everyone there is 15 and the enemies are like, 18 or something, hay Japan market-base!) but in this game, I'm raising him to look at most in his early 20s because PBs are hard to come by. But he only appears to be so because no one really knows his age. He's not really human see; I call him a cosmic force with, admittedly, slightly god-like powers and responsibilities. In canon, his job is to judge the worth of men, see who lives and who dies, and his powers are of the telekinetic nature and he can summon down beams of light, too, and levitate himself and paralyze people. He does this physically by using his cell phone which also has an insane flash mechanism that stuns people. Impractical but helpful when fighting against a pincer battle.

And for being all that, he is unapologetically a snob, an arrogant know-it-all who sees himself in a higher place than mortals because he, well, isn't. It's because of that and the nature of his canon fandom that he won't be surprised at all with the situation in New York because the game actually involved something like it -- and he's behind it.

For the longer but more sensible version of Joshua, you can check out his profile here. Plotseses and stuff? Yes, please. My AIM's still slidersjoypops and you can always e-mail me over at islivonmars and I am always on it at work. :B This goes for Cloud, Locke, Lee and Remus, too! I know these boys have a couple of open logs and unfinished ones under their wings but hay, logging partners, they're like Pokemons, right? Gotta catch 'em all! \o/

Edit; OT but gys! Check out Google's tribute to Freddie Mercury, it's pretty cool! ♥

October 2011



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